Will the New Greek Government Influence an EU Strategy Shift?
It is obvious that Tsipras cabinet has designed a strategy long before taking in charge of Greece hopes!
This strategy seems to revolve around four significant factors which have just matured enough in time to take advantage of:
- The need for radical changes in Greece in all areas and at all levels. There seems to be a “colorless” demand by the majority of people for this, regardless of ideology and there are too many in Greece to sustain a strong push forward. In this way, the effort is to unify the people and why not the Politicians around his strategy. It is not by accident that he is pushing for a President coming from an opposing political party.
- The fact that Europe has realized that their austerity strategy thus far has not been effective by long-shot. Apart of course from benefiting Germany (for many obvious reasons) and his allies. I already see a slight shift by a lot of EU Executives but also EU country Leaders. This slight shift seems to be growing stronger day after day.
- The fact that the political and economical relations of EU with the outside world are bleeding as for example with Russia and Turkey. USA also has their own agenda in those relationships. We have already seen the first moves which have been planned long time ago.
- The fact that the EU member countries under a memorandum program are suffering likewise to Greece, even though with different interests prevailing in each case.
EU strategy of austerity not linked to growth has mostly benefited some country members and the speculators rather than the overall well being of the people of Europe.
It is apparent that Tsipras Government is working on a most effective approach in negotiations, that of “Mutual Benefit” or as known WIN/WIN strategy.
No one claims that the road is spread with roses, however, all parties involved in the above four factors know that unless radical changes are made, this road is getting rougher and rougher for each one and eventually for EU in its entirety.
Yiannakis Mouzouris
BSc Mechanical Engineer
MSc Management
Head of Consulting and Training