What type of Confidence do you have?

Confidence … one of the most important elements of our personality….

I separate the confidence in two parties….

Part 1: The fake confidence that most of us have, which is based only to our external appearance – image (clothes, shoes, places we go, mobile phone etc.). Generally we give more attention in this part but this one is periodic (for some time).

An example of fake confidence is the following: The Magazines and media (how many will see us, social networks (how many will like our picture).

Part 2: The real confidence is based on our skills and our knowledge, what we have achieved. Most of us don’t give too much attention, although we should pay more attention to that because is the one that we are going to have for the rest of our life.

What is the best?

The combination of the two

choose the type of confidence

Christofi Vasiliki

Communication, Soft Skills and PR Specialist – Trainer and Coach

Conicon Ltd

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