There are no Shortcuts or Tricks on the Road to Business Excellence

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Let me just be clear,

Social and fun activities do not create great teams nor do they bond people. Aspirins do not cure chronic headaches. They have a very temporary effect!

Don’t take me wrong. They are not bad, nevertheless it is not the answer to a winning, talented culture. It’s like a perk and occasionally perks are good.

To create great teams and strong bonds and therefore high levels of engagement you need the glue. And the glue is a unique, single culture. The ingredients of such unique culture are a living purpose glued to a compelling vision glued to an executable strategy deployed down to a well-designed performance business model.

You want to know how to do it Download this Ebook. Its free!

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Over the past 10 years I was involved in strategy and performance management projects in some SMEs as well as global leaders all of which were certified to schemes denoting that they were great places to work. All have in some small or bigger scale implemented the so called team building games, activities and socialising events as well as systems comprising of hr processes and documentation to justify implementation in the eyes of external auditors.

My biggest challenge in strategy deployment into a performance management business model in those companies was the people and the toxicity at the workplace. There was no culture but rather a mix of different toxic cultures arising from strong and embedded management and people beliefs clashing constantly at all levels A lot of talented people were at the doorstep of leaving in those companies.

Unfortunately, there are no shortcuts nor tricks or short-term tactics to winning, success and people prosperity.

In all my projects that we manage to install the right ingredients with the support of a committed to the cause leadership (this is extremely important because everything in business is top down), the bottom-line results were staggering.

The attributes of agility and resilience developed were remarkable. The engagement levels of people increased noticeably, and the people satisfaction levels grew unbelievably high. The retaining of talent scores quadrupled in the next 6-8 months. Poor performers on the other hand had no place in those cultures. Most importantly the model is self-sustainable and it only gets better and better in time.

As the late Steve Jobs said. People are #1 as long as you recruit the right people right from the beginning. Keep investing money on the wrong people is a huge waste of money, energy and spirit.

Yiannakis Mouzouris

Strategy and Performance Management
Expert / Business Consultant / Trainer
B.Sc. Mechanical Engineering
M.Sc.Engineering Management, US

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