Testimonials of Yiannakis Mouzouris

Agathi Lambrou, Association of Certified Accountants of Cyprus

Excellent program that gives all the necessary supplies to the participant in order to develop both in personal and professional level.

Louiza Tofa

It was an interesting, clear and pleasant programme.

Margarita Violari, CySEC

Very pleasant program. Very interesting topics that enriched our knowledge in office management and effective communication.

Stefania Kafetzii, Polycarpos Philip & Associates LLC

It was very good program. Very helpful and I learned many things about Office Management and Effective written and oral communication.

Christina Pisinou, Office of the Commissioner of Electronic Communications and Postal Regulation (OCECPR)

Very interesting program. Vibrant and with full coverage of all subjects. All messages and lessons came effortlessly through the development, analysis and discussion under the guidance of instructors.

Eva Vourka, Larnaca Drain System Board

Very Pleasant Programme! It helped me personally to put my personal goals and try to implement them respecting the timetables that I have specified. I have learned to use what I have been taught regarding office management, communication as well as how to manage conflicts and disagreements in my workplace. Thanks to both instructors for the time spent and the patience they showed.

Yiota Kiriakidou, Andreas Kyriacou (Allantika Dymes) Ltd

Very clear programme, that offers new knowledge about Office Management and the management of various situations in our workplace.

Koula Psalti, Tiger Springs Ltd

Descriptive and very understandable seminar! The presentation was very good and the examples helped me understand completely the whole subject

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Κυριάκος Πάμπουκας, CNP Cyprialife

Εξαιρετικό σεμινάριο! Το πάθος, η κατάρτιση και η μεταδοτικότητα του εκπαιδευτή πρόσθεσαν ακόμα περισσότερη αξία στο σεμινάριο.

Πέτρος – Ανδρέας Χατζηκώστας, Αναπτυξιακή Εταιρεία Τροόδους

Θεωρώ ότι το Πρόγραμμα στο σύνολο του ήταν πολύ καλά δομημένο. Με έχει εμπλουτίσει με πάρα πολλές γνώσεις και είμαι βέβαιος ότι έχει ενισχύσει τις ικανότητες μου τόσο σε προσωπικό όσο και σε επαγγελματικό επίπεδο. Οι δύο εκπαιδευτές του Προγράμματος είναι άρτια εκπαιδευμένοι και πολύ μεταδοτικοί. Μπορώ με βεβαιότητα να πω ότι θα επιστρέψω στην… Read more “Πέτρος – Ανδρέας Χατζηκώστας, Αναπτυξιακή Εταιρεία Τροόδους”

Αλεξία Αντωνίου, Nest Investments Holdings (Cyprus) Ltd

Έχω ευχαριστηθεί ολόκληρο το Πρόγραμμα Διοίκησης Ανθρώπινου Δυναμικού. Πολύ ενδιαφέρον και ενημερωτικό. Έχω μάθει πολύ ενδιαφέροντα πράγματα για την δουλειά μου. Και οι δύο εκπαιδευτές ήταν πολύ παθιασμένοι.

Peter – Andreas Hatzikostas, Troodos Development Company

I believe that the programme in its entirety was very well structured. It has enriched me with too much knowledge and I am sure that it has enhanced my skills both personally and professionally. The two trainers of the programme are very well trained and very transmittable. I can confidently say that I will return… Read more “Peter – Andreas Hatzikostas, Troodos Development Company”

Alexia Antoniou, Nest Investments Holdings (Cyprus) Ltd

I have enjoyed the whole Human Resource Management Programme. Very interesting and informative. I learnt interesting things for my job. Both trainers were very passionate.