Testimonials of Yiannakis Mouzouris

Daniel Christophorou, Cyprometal Ltd

Highly informative and interactive programme. The trainers were very good, had experience in the field and presented with wisdom and passion.

George Petrou

It is an ideal human resource management programme. The trainers were impeccable and ideal for the presentation of the programme. I managed to keep our interest from the beginning to the end.

Andreas Choraitis, Spirito Beton Tec Ltd

One of the best programmes from which you can gain knowledge and enrichment of views.

The trainers are excellent!! One of the few that keeps your interest after so many hours.

Angeliki Nikiforou, RIK

Very informing program with training around the field of HR with simple and understandable examples. Both trainers are excellent.

Christiana Georgiou, Mr. Jungle Entertainment Ltd

Very an interesting programme. It is an opportunity to learn many methods and implementation of them in practice. The trainers were very good with clear and detailed instructions.

Anastasia Hey, JW Pegasus Ltd

Very constructive program with many examples and exercises for better understanding. Presentations were made with rich material and theory. The trainers were communicative, helpful and passionate about their work.

Georgia Vasilaki, RIK

The programme was very educational and productive. There was interaction and effectiveness during the programme. The trainers were communicative, interactive, explanatory, collaborative and fair.

Chara Nikolaidou, C.A.C Papantoniou Trading Ltd

Inspirational seminar! I would liken it to a journey that at the end aims not only to make you know more but to want to do more! There was structured material and practical exercises during the seminar. The trainer was Excellent!

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Niki Louli, Adairport Media Ltd

The instructor was very good in presenting the seminar. Very interesting seminar!

Georgia Violari, Vassiliko Cement Works, Public Company Ltd

Excellent seminar, rich material! I feel more prepared to manage problems and customers behind a telephone line. Thank you very much!

Κώστας Νικολαΐδης Ανώτερος Γενικός Διευθυντής, Διευθυντής Προσωπικού και Διοίκησης Ραδιοφωνικό Ίδρυμα Κύπρου (ΡΙΚ)

Αγαπητέ Κε. Μουζούρη, Εκ μέρους του Δ.Σ. και της Διεύθυνσης του Ραδιοφωνικού Ιδρύματος Κύπρου θα ήθελα να σας ευχαριστήσω θερμά, για την εξαίρετη παρουσίαση σας και τα εκπαιδευτικά «εργαστήρια», για τα θέματα του Συστήματος Αξιολόγησης Προσωπικού και για την διαχρονική συνεργασία που έχουμε γενικά. Ευελπιστώ όπως η  συνεργασία μας θα συνεχιστεί και στο μέλλον.

Chrisi Iakovidou , M.S. IAKOVIDIS & CO LTD

Very practical, with examples and application opportunities. There was an opportunity for discussion on subjects that mattered to the participants.

Costas Nicolaides Senior General Manger, Manager of Personnel and Administration Cyprus Broadcasting Corporation (CyBC)

Dear Mr. Mouzouris, On behalf of the Board and the Management of the Cyprus Broadcasting Corporation (CyBC), we would like to thank you warmly for your excellent presentation and training “workshops” on issues of Personnel Evaluation System and the diachronic cooperation we have in general. I hope that our cooperation will continue in the future.