Testimonials of Yiannakis Mouzouris

Loukia Tantele Koukli, Avgorou Community Council

The seminar is very useful for our work and ourselves. It is really worth it for someone to participate. It is very interesting and the trainer very transmittable and well prepared for the seminar. The seminar helps you improve your skills in both written and oral communication. Those who want to become better at their job and work without stress and with confidence should urgently attend it. Mr Yiannakis we thank you!

Maria Papageorgiou, Cyprus Sports Organisation (CSO)

The whole presentation of the seminar was complete and successful. It covered the entire spectrum of how to manage an office.

Stalo Gavriilidou, The Cyprus Institute

The trainer was very informative in explaining the terminologies of the seminar! He has helped us to think differently and gave us tips on improving the quality of our work.

Teresa Michael, Island Oil (Holdings) Ltd

The seminar was very inspiring and helps to expand your knowledge in order to use them effectively at your work.

Marianna Hadjiyianni, Engino.net Ltd

The subject of the seminar was very helpful and training for me personally.

Alexandrina Buceatchi, Law Firm AA Georghiou LLC

The seminar was really helpful for me personally. A very good trainer, explaining with the easiest way possible. BRAVO Mr Yiannakis Mouzouris. Knowledge I have got, I will definitely use it in our office.

Thank you.

Salomi Potamitou, BDO Ltd

Very good seminar. I learned many new and interesting things. It focused very much on emotion, and was rich in very good examples. The trainer was very good, energetic and knew his job.

Andria Balaoura, Parga Trading Ltd

The seminar was pretty clear with a trainer full of energy and knowledge about the subject taught. The direct communication of the trainer stood out .

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Marios Christodoulou, Agrolan Ltd

The seminar was very helpful. I believe that based on what I learned I can become better. I can manage stress with various tips given to me.

Μαρία Χρυσοστόμου

Το σεμινάριο αυτό για μένα προσωπικά ήταν πολύ εποικοδομητικό και πολύ ενδιαφέρον. Έμαθα αρκετά πράγματα τα οποία δεν γνώριζα μέχρι τώρα και τα οποία θα αρχίσω να χρησιμοποιώ στην εργασία μου για να βελτιωθώ σε αυτό το τομέα. Πραγματικά νιώθω περήφανη που παρακολούθησα αυτό το σεμινάριο.

Γιαννάκης Ιωαννίδης, Progressive Ασφαλιστική

Εξαιρετικό Σεμινάριο! Η εκπαιδεύτρια ήταν πολύ επικοινωνιακή και μας έδωσε πολλές νέες ιδέες.

Michael Michaelides

Very well organized. The lecturer had valid points when answering questions and the whole lesson was very interesting.

Μάριος Χριστοδούλου, Agrolan Ltd

Το σεμινάριο ήταν αρκετά βοηθητικό. Πιστεύω ότι με βάση αυτά που έμαθα μπορώ να γίνω καλύτερος. Μπορώ να διαχειριστώ το άγχος με διάφορες συμβουλές που μου δόθηκαν.