Testimonials of Yiannakis Mouzouris
Kasapis Konstantinos, Palekythrou Potteries “The GIANT” LTD
Important information regarding relations with superiors and subordinates. Very good Information regarding the organization.
Martidou Alexis, SYPAL LTD
You learn how you can become a leader and to face difficulties in your career and in your life
Miranda Christofi, Christofi Bros Trading Ltd.
It was a very constructive seminar.
Panayiotis Pieri, Tsokkos Hotel
Mr Yiannakis Mouzouris has taught us many new things
Dimitra Ttakka
Very interesting and very detailed and comprehensive development of the subject.
Andronikos Kleanthous, Kindergarten P.Β. “Smiling Faces
An excellent seminar with a very good subject. The main advantages were the teamwork that resulted in the effective exchange of views, rich examples and the way of teaching from the excellent trainer Mr Yiannakis Mouzouris.
Andronikos Kleanthous, Kindergarten P.Β. “Smiling Faces
The main advantage was the teamwork that resulted in the effective exchange of views, rich examples and the way of teaching.
Zacharo Savva, Vesta Holidays Ltd
The seminar was very good! Very well organized and presented by the trainer was excellent!