Testimonials of Vasiliki Christofi

Pavlos Michael, Cyfield Development Co Ltd

An interesting seminar through which we learned new techniques for better customer management. There was good organization, flow, and interactivity during it. The trainer was very good.

Stelios Kramvidis, Cyfield Development Co Ltd

Interesting seminar with very useful information, many examples, relaxed atmosphere and immediacy. The trainer was Excellent!

Kyriakos Andreou, Cyfield Development Co Ltd

Effective seminar where we received many practical methods for efficient customer management. The trainer was transmittable, there was identification with the participants, and she handled the discussions perfectly.

Athinoula Ellina, Cyfield Development Co Ltd

Very interesting seminar which helped us to easily capture the techniques and methods. The trainer was very pleasant, informative and communicative.

Vassiliou Maria – Revekka Trimiklinioti, Sewerage Board of Limassol – Amathus

The Trainers were excellent and the way of presenting the Program, even though it was online, was not at all inferior to the live(classroom) program. I believe that the benefits I have gained from attending this program are multiple and complex and will help very much in the performance of my duties as Head of the Administration/Secretariat branch of the Council.

Christina Papageorgiou, SBAA Administration

The program had more depth than I expected, not only in the area of organization and management in the workplace but also the psychology behind various human behaviours and how to manage them effectively.

Efi Hadji, Pima SA

A programme which is organizational, focused, it helps you bring order to what you may already know and apply practically, while also teaching you important tips that help you maintain an internal balance both professionally and personally.

Mrs. Christofi has incredible communicative skills, and it’s clear that this is a subject she both loves and knows well. With a wealth of information, examples, and details that aid in understanding the material. You feel the urge to start a dialogue and exchange endless comments from various sources or examples, whether they directly or indirectly concern you.

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Sotiroulla Michael, IONA Shipmanagemetn Ltd

Very interesting seminar that has given same good routs that can be used in our daily routine

Panayiotis Vasiliou, IONA Shipmanagemetn Ltd

It makes you thinκ generally. You learn how good is to make plan in your life


Απόκτησα γνώση από ένα καταξιωμένο εκπαιδευτή και μια πιο επαγγελματική όψη των πραγμάτων

Αναστασίου Σάββας, (ASG (ANDY SPYROU GROUP) LTD

Πλεονεκτήματα του σεμιναρίου ήταν να μας καθοδηγήσει να φτάσουμε όσο πιο ψηλά μπορούμε

Anastasiou Savvas, (ASG (ANDY SPYROU GROUP) LTD

One of the benefits of the seminar was to guide us to get as high we can