Testimonials of Vasiliki Christofi

Chara Hadjivasili, Nikos Hadjivasilis and Sons Ltd

Remarkable and useful seminar where we were given several solutions for organization in our daily life. Vasiliki was simply Excellent!

Irini Sigala

Absolutely understandable and enjoyable seminar with many exercises. The trainer was Excellent, enjoyable and very transmittable.

Christiana Tylliridou, German Oncology Center

Very interesting and helpful seminar where I learned effective ways to manage anger, tension and stress in the workplace and in general. Vasiliki has transmittable and knows her subject very well. It also keeps the interest undiminished until the end of the Seminar. I would be happy to attend future Seminars.

Antonis Kallinikos, Limassol Waterboard

Through this seminar we learned about proper communication with clients / partners in the professional field. After the training, we had the opportunity to ask the trainer questions regarding the personal experiences of each participant in their professional field. The trainer was fully trained in the subject and I would be happy to attend her other seminars.

Andri Hatzigeorgiou, Open University of Cyprus

The seminar was excellent and its content very well organized. Examples were presented that we face in our daily lives and we were given multiple alternative ways of handling. The trainer was an enthusiastic communicator and a connoisseur of the subject.

Maria Pitsillou, Asty Elevators

Explanatory seminar where we learned new things on how to improve our written language. The trainer was positive and communicative.

Koulla Trifylli, DISY

Very helpful seminar from which we enriched our knowledge for the perfect written communication. The trainer was very good.

Athena Pantelidou, Energo Energy Recovery Ltd

The seminar was very constructive as the educational material given to us was very comprehensive. The fact that case studies and content application exercises were used, created great interest and challenge to the participants. The trainer was communicative and used apt examples. It kept us interested throughout the seminar.

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Iacovos Pastos, Gevorest Marketing Ltd

Informative seminar! Very good trainer!

Chrystalla Stroggulou, Epaminondas Korakidis LLC

Very useful seminar! We learned how to approach debtors and to achieve our goal without insult or annoy them.

Valentina Stroggulou, Epaminondas Korakidis LLC

Excellent seminar! I learnt the right way to collect outstanding debts!

Βαλεντίνα Στρογγυλού, Επαμεινώνδας Κορακίδης ΔΕΠΕ

Εκπληκτικό σεμινάριο! Έμαθα τον σωστό τρόπο για να εισπράττω τις ανεξόφλητες οφειλές!

Maria Chatzinikola, Cyprus University of Technology

It was a very interesting seminar and I gained many new knowledge and skills!