Testimonials of Vasiliki Christofi

Sofia Raunic, Trojan Economics

The Programme was very enjoyable, understandable, interactive and informative. The topics were very interesting and provided us with comprehensive knowledge in relation to Office Management. Ms. Christofi was excellent and created a pleasant and friendly atmosphere throughout where he kept the interest of the participants.

Andrea Foti, ICF Specialized

A very interesting seminar that is worth attending. We were given targeted examples with results that aimed at solving the problems facing the listener. The trainer was communicative with a targeted approach. Simplify the subject for a better understanding of the participants and with positive energy.

Maria Christodoulou, Cyprus Stock Exchange

The seminar was amazing in a pleasant and positive environment. We learned ways to communicate both about our workplace and our personal lives. We also learned that it is necessary to give value ourselves and dedicate time to us because we can and we deserve it. The trainer was amazing!

Alexia Konstantinou, Open University

Interesting and very useful seminar for both business and personal purposes. Through this seminar we gained confidence and learned ways to deal with emotions and situations. The trainer was very explanatory and gave us many examples.

Maria Georgiou, Cyprus Stock Exchange

Very useful and constructive seminar from which we learned to handle situations more correctly and to control ourselves for the better. The trainer was very good.

Georgia Neophytou, Cyprus Stock Exchange

This seminar would be right for everyone to attend because it offers a lot. It helped us to have better communication with those around us and to be happier. Ms. Vasiliki conveyed all the right messages to us in the best way.

George Apostolidis, A&A Apostolidis Contracting Company LTD

Effective seminar on Conflict Management in the workplace. It was very practical, and we were presented with substantial and real examples. The trainer was knowledgeable about the subject and answered all our questions on the subject.

Dimitra Hatziantoniou, Community Council of Mandria

Very interesting seminar from which we learned several ways to manage conflict and anger. The trainer  was quite good and there was dialogue and communication throughout the seminar.

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Μέλανη Ανθίμου, Χρύσανθος Αντωνίου Ανακύκλωση Μετάλλων ΛΤΔ

Εποικοδομητικό σεμινάριο σε αρκετά σημεία. Τα κύρια πλεονεκτήματα του ήταν το υλικό, η πρακτικότητα του σεμιναρίου και βεβαίως η μεταδοτικότητα της εκπαιδεύτριας

Vasiliki Omirou, AN.O Constructions & Developers Ltd

The trainer was very well trained. The seminar was notable and useful

Melanie Anthimos, Chrysanthos Antoniou Metals Recycling Ltd

Constructive seminar in several matters. The main advantages were the material, the practicality of the seminar and of course the transmittable trainer

Κωνσταντίνα Κωνσταντίνου

Βοηθητικό, περιεκτικό με έξυπνες συμβουλές.

Βασιλική Ομήρου, AN.O Constructions & Developers Ltd

Η εκπαιδεύτρια ήταν πολύ καταρτισμένη. Το σεμινάριο ήταν αξιόλογο και χρήσιμο