Testimonials of Vasiliki Christofi

Χριστιάνα Γεωργίου, Mr. Jungle Entertainment Ltd

Very pleasant seminar with real examples. Vasilki was very transmittable.

Eleni Papagianni, Nicosia Waterboard

An enlightening seminar on personal development and operation in a professional and personal environment. The presentation material was rich and interactive. The trainer was Excellent!

Christiana Iosisfaki

The seminar was very useful and constructive with a very good structure of its presentation. Mrs. Christofi was very good and had impeccable immediacy with all participants.

Markos Markou

Constructive seminar where we learned about the recognition of behaviors, proper dealing and handling of problems and people. The trainer had immediate contagion and there was a pleasant environment.

Chrystalla Dimitriou

A detailed and interesting seminar where we learned the right ways to deal with ourselves and others. Ms. Vasiliki was very pleasant and with positive energy!

Chrysi Charalambous

Very helpful seminar in which there was discussion between all participants and were given many examples of proper dealing of various situations. Vasiliki was Excellent and willing to answer all questions.

Christiana Tylliridou

Very interesting seminar where I learned how to handle situations more positively. Vassiliki was very contagious, pleasant character and knows her subject very well.

Antonis Zacharopoulos, A-Z Physio Health Ltd

A beautiful and substantial seminar that shed light on many aspects of the personal and professional formulation of our lives, which sought recognition for the most correct orientation. The trainer was excellent 10/10 !!

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Sergidou Elena, Trust International Insurance Company (Cyprus) Ltd

The presence of the trainer was very pleasant and she was really transmittable!

Μυρτώ Αρτεμίου, Fysentzou Physiotherapy and Fitness

Πολύ ενδιαφέρον σεμινάριο, Εμπλουτίστηκαν οι γνώσεις μας για σωστή αντιμετώπιση πελατών/συναδέλφων/διευθυντών. Μας βοήθησε να γίνουμε καλύτερες γραμματείς.

Myrto Artemiou, Fysentzou Physiotherapy and Fitness

Very interesting seminar, our knowledge was enriched about the correct service to customer/ colleagues / directors. It helped us improved as secretaries.

Χρυστάλλα Πίτσιλλου, Συμβούλιο Αποχετεύσεων Λευκωσίας

Ήταν άρτια οργανωμένο, και η εκπαιδεύτρια αρκετά καταρτισμένη και επεξηγηματική. Πραγματικά χαίρομαι που συμμετείχα σε αυτό το σεμινάριο!

Dobson Fleet Management Ltd

Βεβαιώνουμε ότι είχε ανατεθεί στην ConiCon Ltd να βοηθήσει με την ανάπτυξη και εφαρμογή του Συστήματος Ποιότητας της Εταιρείας μας, το οποίο ακολουθεί τις απαιτήσεις του ISO 9001. Με μεγάλη μας χαρά σας βεβαιώνουμε ότι το προαναφερθέν Σύστημα Ποιότητας εγκαταστάθηκε με τη στήριξη και την άριστη συνεργασία μας με τον Κ. Γιαννάκη Μουζούρη, ο οποίος… Read more “Dobson Fleet Management Ltd”