Testimonials of Vasiliki Christofi

Fani Araouzou, Andrews Y. Electrical Trading House Ltd

The seminar was very helpful. It made us understand ourselves and others, take actions that will help us have more effective communication. There were many examples from our daily lives. Excellent! Vasiliki is a very communicative and happy person who made us express ourselves comfortably. She has very good knowledge in her subject.

Zoi Paraskeva, Cyprus Global Logistics

Highly communicative seminar with many innovative methods but also ideas for managing our anger and dealing with it in general. We got a lot of ideas for anger and conflict management. Vasiliki was Perfect!!!

Angeliki Nikiforou, RIK

An interesting and very useful seminar from which we received the right ways of communication. The trainer was Excellent.

Areti Markou, Markos Hair Company Ltd

The seminar was very interesting and useful. It made me think differently about how to behave in the various situations that arise in my workplace. We learned about changing the way we think, how to be more positive people and how to use the right ways to deal with conflicts. The trainer was contagious and everything she taught us was very interesting. I would love to have the opportunity to attend another seminar with Vasiliki! A*

Anastasia Hey, JW Pegasus Ltd

Pleasant and enjoyable seminar which gave us useful tips that can be used in our workplace. The time passed pleasantly and constructively through the presentation of Vassiliki. Vassiliki is very happy, positive, communicative and transmits her knowledge happily.

Andreea Anghel, Exness Global Ltd

We got tips of for self-control, lots of knowledge and how to manage conflict situations. The trainer was Excellent!!!

Elina Georgiou, Columbia Hotels & Resorts Ltd

Effective seminar which will help me to properly manage situations of anger and conflict issues. The trainer was very contagious and exemplary.

Georgia Vasilaki, RIK

Interesting and effective seminar, we have learned effective ways of handling conflicts. The trainer was very communicative and pleasant.

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Tina Savva, Solomonides Shipping Ltd

It was very interesting, I learned something new.

Ανδρούλλα Γιακουμή

Περιεκτικό και κατανοητό σεμινάριο. Ήταν μια ταχύρρυθμη τόνωση της αυτοπεποίθησης μου!

Androulla Yiakoumi

Comprehensive and understandable seminar. It was an accelerated boost of my self – confidence!

Christiana Loukaidou, Dinos Kridiotis and Sons Ltd

Educational! I learned how to handle the debtor cases, especially when there is a difficulty to collecting and how to handle them correct and effectively.

Ρούλα Παπαπέτρου, M. PAPAPETROU LTD

Θα ήθελα να σας αναφέρω ότι το σεμινάριο ήταν εξαιρετικό, με πρακτικές μεθόδους για είσπραξη οφειλών. Είμαι σίγουρη ότι θα μας βοηθήσει σαν εταιρεία στην πιο σωστή προσέγγιση και συμπεριφορά και αποτέλεσμα με τους πελάτες μας.