Testimonials of Vasiliki Christofi

Elli Gregoriadou, Y & C Med Institute of Medical Rehabilitation

A very useful and pleasant seminar that I received useful information related to my job. Mrs. Vasiliki was very detailed, pleasant and dative.

Marianna Louka, Casale Panayiotis Traditional Village Ltd

Very communicative and helpful seminar with simple examples and methods. There was dialogue and discussion among the participants. Μrs. Christofi was very, very good.

Maroula Miltiadou, HRDA

Very helpful seminar for better customer service and anger management in every case. The trainer was excellent.

Stella Loizidou, CYTA

A very illustrative seminar, with videos and exercises where we learned new things and ways to deal with anger.

Nicos Makrides ACMA Trading Ltd

Interesting seminar where we gained more knowledge for telephone customer care. The trainer was very good.

Odysseas Anastasiades ACMA Trading Ltd

Very Good seminar, we learned new ways of customer service. The trainer was very good, helpful and polite.

Nicos Eleftheriades  ACMA Trading Ltd

Practical seminar, we learned what is respect towards the clients. Mrs. Christofi was very good!

Elias Adamou ACMA Trading Ltd

Interesting seminar that though us hoe to respect our clients. The trainer was very good!

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Contact us here to find out what we can do for you or your business.



Πολύ βοηθητικό για να γίνεις πωλητή και να κατανοείς το πελάτη

Anna Elizabeth Christoforou, ANDY SPYROU RENTALS LTD

Πολύ ενδιαφέρον και εμπλουτισμένο σεμινάριο. Περιείχε πολύ καλές αρχές των πωλήσεων και την σημαντικότητα του κάθε ατόμου που εργάζεται στην εταιρεία.

Anna Elizabeth Christoforou, ANDY SPYROU RENTALS LTD

A very interesting and knowledgeable seminar. Very good sales principals and the importance of each person employed in the company

Leslie Peter John Pittman, ANDY SPYROU RENTALS LTD

The seminar was presented very well with the tutor ready for any question asked

Dimitar Vasilev Kamenov, ANDY SPYROU RENTALS LTD

Πήρα τα εφόδια που χρειάζεται για να γίνω καλύτερος πωλητής. Ευχαριστώ για αυτό