Testimonials of Vasiliki Christofi

Nicolaos Kouros

The seminar was amazing, very good and pleasant. I have learned new ways to empower my self-confidence. Mrs Christofi was amazing!

Styliana Mina, ES Vascular

Very helpful seminar that I gained more knowledge. The trainer was the TOP!

Cleio Michael, Meatmarket Giasoumi Bros Ltd

The seminar was excellent, and I gained knowledge in sales sector. The was communication and discussion between the participants. The trainer was Excellent! She gave us many examples in order to understand better.

Demetra Evagorou, MS Jacovides Group

A very helpful seminar that gave me many practical ways to be sued right way ay my job. It helped me in order to have self-confidence during the presentation of my company’s products. The trainer was very helpful, smiling person, with pleasant presentation and she has answered all of our questions.

Vasos Georgiou, ES Vascular

Interesting and well performed seminar. Mrs. Christofi was very contagious and gave us many of her knowledge based on the subject.

Margarita Efthimiou, MS Jacovides Group

The seminar was very interesting and helped us understand the best ways on how to promote our products and where we should aim best.  Also, we learned how to empower our self-confidence.  Mrs. Christofi was very nice and polite.

Tonia Pavlidou, Remedica Ltd

We have learned the right way of thinking in order to sale our products with the correctly. There was discussion, dialogues and more theory. The trainer was very nice, contagious, happy, with politeness and passion on her tasks.

Theodosios Christoforou, Theodosis Tourist Co Ltd

Targeted and effective seminar where we learned new techniques for successful sales. The trainer is perfect!

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Βαρβάρα Ζορπά

Πολύ καλά οργανωμένο και βοηθητικό σεμινάριο. Σε καθοδηγεί στο πώς να αρχίσεις, να σχεδιάσεις και να κρατήσεις μια επιχείρηση

Ευτυχία Πατσιά

Οι μέθοδοι διδασκαλίας της εκπαιδεύτριας ήταν πολύ καλοί. Επίσης είχε πολλή μεταδοτικότητα.  

Koula Psalti, Tiger Springs (MAN) Ltd

Personally, I have enjoyed the seminar. The subject is my favorite and the instructor excellent at what he does and with passion as it seemed.

Eftixia Patsia

The trainer’s teaching methods were very good. She was also very transmittable.

Barbara Zorpa

The seminar was very well organized and useful. It gives you the guidelines how to successfully start, plan, and maintain a business