Testimonials of Vasiliki Christofi
Maria Anthimou, Hellenic Petroleum Cyprus Ltd
The summary of the seminar was focused on the key aspects of customer service in a very detailed way. We were given guidelines on how to handle the customer better an also we were given positive words that can instantly enhance our communication with the customer.
Stella Christodoulou, Siamplettou Delc
We learned new ways of customer service through the presentation and transmissibility of the trainer who was Fantastic!!!
Varbara Christou, Stavroula Gianniou Pharmacy Ltd
Through this seminar I found solutions to several issues that I did not know how to manage my everyday life. The trainer was very positive and communicative.
Elena Yiangou, IDEK
There was positivity through the seminar and discussion among the participants. The trainer was α smiling, positive person and to the point!
Maria Papageorgiou, IDEK
Very good seminar where through many examples and discussion we have obtained positive elements that will help us both professionally and personally. Mrs. Christofi is a very good personality and also has very good communication skills.
Elena Kyprianou Modestou, Ioannidis Dimitriou DEPE
An original, useful and life change seminar where I have learned how to act in action what I want to do. The trainer was good, contagious, welcoming and very comfortable. I loved her !!!
Ioannis Koutsiftides
Very nice seminar. The group was fun and talkative, and it was a very enjoyable session. The trainer knew how to handle each one of us while passing her message. There was discussion, debate and progress. Vasiliki was Excellent! Very pleasant person. Her knowledge in confidence was very interesting.
Kyriakos Christodoulou, QM MARINE LTD
Very useful seminar and the trainer was very good and contagious.