Quality and Environmental Management

In the specific subject areas we can offer you the following topics:

  • Appreciating ISO 9001
  • Effective Quality Documentation
  • Effective Internal Quality Auditing
  • Introduction to TQM
  • Quality at the Workplace
  • Assessor / Lead Assessor ISO 9001
  • The After ISO 9001 Day
  • Introduction to ISO 14001
  • Assessor / Lead Assessor ISO 14001
  • Environmental Management Systems Implementation, Assessment and Evaluation
  • Integration of Quality and Environmental Management Systems
  • Energy Conservation

How can we Contribute?

Contact us here to find out what we can do for you or your business.


Nicolas Herodotou, UMAR Shipping Services

Very positive seminar, we gained knowledge and useful information. My congrats to Mrs. Vasiliki she was very good!

Christina Polianidou, B & A The Best MCC Ltd

A very interesting and effective seminar. The knowledge tranmitted by the trainer can be directly applied in our daily life!

Φρόσω Γιάγκου, Froso Yiagkou Pharmacy Ltd

Πάρα πολύ βοηθητικό σεμινάριο για την εξυπηρέτηση πελατών,  για ακόμη μια φορά είχα την ευκαιρία να εκπαιδευτώ από την Βασιλική η οποία είναι Τέλεια και την Αγαπώ!!!!

Stefani Georgiou, M.S.G Tradelink Ltd

The seminar was very helpful as we enriched our knowledge of customer service and I am sure that in the future it will help me to better manage the unpleasant situations with customers. We learned through examples and role-playing how to deal with difficult customers. Ms. Vasiliki helped us to better understand our anger with… Read more “Stefani Georgiou, M.S.G Tradelink Ltd”

Ελένη Κόλα, Es Vascular Ltd

Το καλύτερο σεμινάριο! Μάθαμε πολλούς ενδιαφέρον και εφαρμόσιμους τρόπους για να καλυτερέψουμε την δουλειά μας και ακόμα και την προσωπική μας ζωή. Η Κα. Χριστοφή ήταν αξιαγάπητη, περιληπτική, ευγενική και πολύ καλή στην παρουσίαση της.