Recognized Management Programmes Endorsed by The Institute of Leadership and Management (ilm)

Programme Status and Recognition:

  • The programme is recognized by The Institute of Leadership and Management (ilm) and the Institute of Leadership and Management (ILM) UK.
  • ILM is a professional body, part of City & Guilds, the biggest and most known Organization in awarding Vocational, Management and Leadership Qualifications Worldwide.
  • The Institute of Leadership and Management (ilm) is the largest professional body in the field of Leadership and Management.
  • All participants who successfully complete a Programme are eligible to register for free – (the first year of membership) and have access to My Leadership Platform.
  • By obtaining the Certificate you have the opportunity to become an Associated Member of The Institute of Leadership and Management (AMInstLM), which is considered and can be used as professional qualification (e.g. Singature, Business Cards).

Certificate Recognition:

By The Institute of Leadership and Management (ilm), the largest professional body in the field of Leadership and Management.

By the Institute of Leadership & Management (ILM), a professional body (U.K.) with 100 years of experience and recognition, member of City & Guilds, the biggest organization in awarding vocational, Management and Leadership qualifications worldwide.

Why to choose Institute of Leadership and Management Programs?

  • Over the last 6 years, more than 1000 participants have attended the programmes and saw an immediate difference in their effectiveness and involvement in their field of work.
  • 93% of employers say their employees perform better after taking an ilm qualification.
  • Our programmes are Endorsed by The Institute of Leadership and Management (ilm) and the Institute of Management and Leadership in UK (ILM).
  • We provide Comprehensive Learning, to pursue your distinct career direction.
  • We differ from colleges and universities as our programs utilize Best Practice Learning, balancing less theory with more practical on the job applications.
  • Cost effective
  • Courses are delivered by trainers with both strong academic background and extensive work experience.

Topics of Recognized Programs:

Recognized Management Programmes Endorsed by The Institute of Leadership and Management (ilm)

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Maria Constantinou, Gemanalysis Ltd

Clear, essential and very useful seminar! I really did not find any disadvantage.

Ναταλία Νικολάου, Kanika Group

Πολύ ενδιαφέρον, ειδικά για μένα που είμαι καινούργια σε αυτό τον τομέα, κατάλαβα τις διαδικασίες καλύτερα. Μας δόθηκαν ασκήσεις, ευκαιρίες για διάλογο και παραδείγματα που δεν θα ξεχάσω. Ο Κος. Μουζούρης είχε γνώσεις σε πολλούς τομείς και ήταν πρόθυμος να απαντήσει σε όλες τις ερωτήσεις.

Athena Stavrou, Laiki Cyprialife

Very interesting seminar! The trainer was transmittable and very vivid in the room.

Alexander Goodenough

Πολύ καλό σεμινάριο το οποίο με βοήθησε να αποκτήσω οικειότητα με τις βασικές τεχνικές του SEO.

Ελίνα Γεωργίου, Columbia Columbia Hotels & Resorts Ltd

Ένα πρόγραμμα αρκετά βοηθητικό και επεξηγηματικό. Με έκανε να καταλάβω και να θέσω τους κύριους στόχους μου και να ξεχωρίζω τα σημαντικά. Οι εκπαιδευτές ήταν πολύ επεξηγηματικοί και μας παρουσίασαν πολλά παραδείγματα. Πάντα πρόθυμοι να μας ακούσουν και να λύσουν απορίες.