Vasiliki Christofis’ blog posts

Conference “The empowerment of Woman”

synedrio 1


We Learnt how to communicate with Diplomacy, Reliability and Discretion

IMG 7402


We became experts on interpreting the Body Language

IMG 7357


Coaching that delivers Results and OSKARs

Is about listening, asking the right questions and putting options on the table. Sometimes you push, others you pull back. This way you allow people to gain ownership of the solutions.

A simple and very effective Coaching model is OSKAR – Objective or Outcome, Scale or Score, Knowhow, Affirm + Action and Review.

Simply, the Coach asks the person and agrees what Outcome or Objective is to be achieved.

Then he/she defines a Score, a scale – a preferred performance to be achieved. It can be as simple as 1-10 scale.

Following, is the set of questions and prompts to enable the person recognize what are the individual Knowhow parameters and/or skills to achieve gradually the Outcome.

Finally, this the part where you (Coach) focus on what works well in terms of actions, attitude and behaviour within an affirmative framework to motivate for further Action.

At the start of each coaching session, a Review is conducted. The review focuses on what has been achieved even though the Outcome is still small and asks the questions relevant to what needs to be done next .

To see what results Coaching can deliver in real life, check our Client Stories here.

Christofi Vasiliki
Communication, Soft Skills and PR Specialist – Trainer and Coach
Conicon Ltd

19 rules for Flawless Telephone Customer Service



Step by Step Creation of Public Relations Plan

blog neww vasi


Design a Superb Unique Selling Preposition. Training at the Leading Development Group

leptos blog


Step by step the Effective Management of Conflicts and Disagreements in the Workplace


The Seminar had admittedly a sufficient response as all companies face conflicts and disagreements in the workplace.


Inhouse Seminar of Written Communication for the European Funds Unit of the Ministry of Interior


Excellent Written Communication is the result of the combination of knowledge and practice


We revealed the “secrets” of Successful Presentations


Our seminar is designed in order to help the participants to discard the anxiety and the fear that most people have for the Professional Presentations.


How we can Contribute?

Contact us here to find out what we can do for you or your business.