Conicon Blog

How to Recognize Burnout in Yourself or Your Team!

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Work Burnout, also known as burnout, is the new “scourge” in the work environment!

It is definitely something that a few years ago we did not discuss about as we did not consider that it affect us!


There are no Shortcuts or Tricks on the Road to Business Excellence

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Let me just be clear,

Social and fun activities do not create great teams nor do they bond people. Aspirins do not cure chronic headaches. They have a very temporary effect!


Are your leaders fit for the future?

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The world is changing at breakneck speed. Blink and you might miss the next groundbreaking technology, rapid market shift, or emerging competitor that rewrites the rules of the game. It’s enough to make even the most experienced leader break out in a cold sweat.

Recognizing Manipulation: Signs and Warnings

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Manipulative people can challenge our psychological well-being and self-esteem. However, there are ways to protect ourselves and maintain our integrity.


Never try to change People in a Business before Changing the Business Model and Management Systems to support the Business Objectives

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During my discussions with business owners and executives about their organizational needs, a common theme emerges: the desire for their teams to exhibit greater focus, engagement, initiative, alignment with business objectives, collaboration, and productivity.


3 Tips to Elevate Your Customer Service

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Exceptional Customer Service isn’t just a department – it’s a mindset and a toolkit that your team must have.


3 Tips to Make Your Event Truly Special

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During the events, memories are created! Whether you’re hosting a corporate event, a landmark celebration, or a community event, the key to success lies in the art of making your event truly special.


Shared Metrics for Alignment of Corporate Objectives with Business Units KPIs

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Shared KPIs and metrics are highly important to ensure alignment between corporate objectives with Business Units (Departmental) KPIs.


How to Lead in this Fast Pace, Turbulent, Uncertain and Toxic Global Environment

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How to lead in this fast pace, turbulent, uncertain and toxic global environment in which people especially young professionals are looking into short cuts and short term profits.


Employee Motivation doesn’t agree with what People say in Company Internal Surveys

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Our research among 600 employees in different business sectors comprising of professional C-Executives, Senior and Junior Management, Team Leadership and Front Liners showed the simple truth of human needs often not highlighted by theory and ineffective traditional corporate surveys.


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