Problem Solving: The 10 characteristics that stand out in Problem Solvers

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Effective problem solving is now among the most popular skills around the world.

Every day it turns out that most people can’t handle problems/crises that come either personal or professional!

At the same time, it’s an issue where decision-making people need training, so they don’t make jerky moves because of panic.

Effective problem solving is finding solutions to problems (internally – externally) using the right methods and tools – in essence to find ways to solve any problem that comes quickly and effectively


Below you will see the 10 characteristics that stand out in Problem Solvers:

1. They don’t waste their time proving they’re right – they focus on the solution.

2. They come out of their box and find ideas to explore their choices (they don’t think the same way – they shift their thinking)

3. They see opportunities through the problem and don’t over-think the problem all the time to feel better.

4. They know the difference between simple thinking and complexity (most people have complicated thinking because they are influenced by external factors such as media, society etc.)

5. They make clear exactly what is a problem – without being directly affected by their own perception which is not objective.

6. They use communication (power of words) to communicate with the world – rather than intimidate it.

7. They do not cause problems to others to solve their own (characteristic of most people)

8. They prefer prevention rather than intervention (if there were conditions for prevention it wouldn’t swell things so much)

9. Τhey search for their options (with different ways of thinking and have a problem management team)

10. They have reasonable expectations and know all the scenarios of each choice (good, neutral and bad)


Surely now that you have seen them you realize that there are very few people who have these characteristics!


Also these people know the 4 simplest steps for Problem Solving:

1. Specify the problem (what is really the problem – and not focus on the symptoms of the problem)

2. Create alternatives (for all scenarios, good, neutral and bad)

3. Evaluation and selection of alternatives (always based on the impact of each solution)

4. Implementation of Solutions (if it doesn’t work they always have a Plan B


The only thing that is certain is that problem solving is not innate in individuals. It needs training and friction with the subject!

Most remember the importance of this skill when it’s already too late!

Do you have these characteristics?

Christofi Vasiliki
Communication, Soft Skills
NAMA Certified Anger Management Specialist, 
PR Specialist
Trainer and Coach

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