Principle centered leadership and development of interpersonal skills is the key to building trust and security to the eyes of the Client.
Our clients range from Banking and Insurance to Financial Institutions and Accountancy Firms. We focus on developing interpersonal and soft skills that will empower people to deliver results including building Trust and Credibility to of their clients. Quality Customer Service and Customer Satisfaction Measurement delivered to a leading Co-Operative Bank. Development of Report Writing Skills delivered to the personnel of a leading Bank. Development of an Occupational Health & Safety System for a leading Broking Firm. Presentation Skills Development delivered to a leading Accountancy Firm. Stress Management at the Workplace delivered to an Accountancy Firm. Effective Communication delivered a leading Insurance Company. [testimonial_view id=”1″ category=”finance-en”]
Alfa Insurance Ltd
Alpha Bank
Atlantica Insurance
ASPIS Pronoia Ltd
Bank of Cyprus
COOP Aradipou
COOP Geroskipou
COOP Ipsona – Lofou
COOP Limassol
COOP LysisCOOP Mesa Getonia
COOP Strovolou
Cyprus Popular Bank
Εθνική Ασφαλιστική
HSBC Insurance
Inter – Alliance WorldNet
Pancypria Insurance Company Ltd
Liberty Life Insurance Ltd
Σύνδεσμος Εμπορικών Τραπεζών
Συνεργατική Πιστωτική Πολεμιδιών