General Clients Testimonials

Irene Michael, Trachonitis Creperie

Excellent, Incredibly helpful with positive messages and better customization of tasks for secretaries. The trainer was very good.

Veronica Anina Ivanov, M.C.M.C Professional Services Ltd

The seminar was very useful. It helped me thinking more positive and how to control my anxiety.  Mrs. Vasiliki is very kind, positive and she gave us a lot of tips! Thank you very much Vasiliki!

Maria Koursarou, Paflilia

The seminar was very interesting with a useful material. We learned how to develop our skills and how to handle stress, conflicts and crisis. The trainer was very transmittable.

Elena Georgiou, N. Psaras Constructions

A very informative and helpful seminar where I realized how I can manage my communication with others. Vasiliki is aware of the subject and also an excellent consultant and trainer.

Maria Gatoula, Voniatis Developers & Contractors Ltd

We have learned basic tips about our work and how we can emotionally and psychologically communicate with our colleagues in order to have better cooperation, teamwork and efficiency. We also learned about the right way to deal any kind of conflicts. Ms. Vasiliki was very friendly, clear and understandable to what she was carrying. At the same time we had very good communication with all the participants.

Danae Ofakoglou, University of Nicosia

The seminar was excellent. Personally, I also got efforts for my work, present and future, but also for life in general. I believe that what we have learned today is useful for various situations in our lives. The trainer was the main advantage of the seminar, she was excellent. Direct, communicative, with tremendous knowledge, straight to the point. Excellent in the transmission of knowledge and I am very happy that I have participated in her seminar.

Elena Poliviou, Comarine Ltd

A very good seminar that will help us see everyday problems both professional and personal in a more positive way. We could track them more easily and find solutions. The trainer was very good and gave us many examples along with simple and practical advises.

Eva Vourka, Larnaca Sewerage Board

Clear and understandable seminar with an easy-to-use material. There were several exercises to understand and consolidate the essentials of the seminar. Ms. Christofi was very pleasant. She knew the content of the seminar in depth and through very good examples she has solved all of our questions. She was clearly expressed, encouraging discussions, creating a pleasant climate of communication.

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Lia Nikolaou, Platon Stylianou Civil Engineer

A very nice seminar which helps us to improve in our functions as personal assistants and as individuals in our personal lives. The trainer was well-trained, very transmittable and fully analyzed all the points needed.

Ομηρία Σεργίδου, Εθνική Ασφαλιστική

Έχω μείνει έκπληκτη από το Βιωματικό Εργαστήρι Ηγεσίας. Συνήθως δεν εκπλήσσομαι εύκολα, όμως σήμερα αυτό έγινε!!! Τόση συμπυκνωμένη γνώση και άμεση μεταδοτικότητα από τον εμπειρότατο εκπαιδευτή Κύριο Μουζούρη, βήμα βήμα να μας καθοδηγά να αντιληφθούμε όλα όσα πρέπει να αλλάξουμε για να πετύχουμε ότι στόχο βάλουμε στο μυαλό μας!! Μπράβο! Το συστήνω ανεπιφύλακτα!! Το υψηλότερο… Read more “Ομηρία Σεργίδου, Εθνική Ασφαλιστική”

Γιάννης Χρυσουλιώτης, I.X. Χρυσουλιώτης

Εξαιρετικός εκπαιδευτής!

Phedias Tsiakkas, Alexis Tsiakkas & Co Ltd

Very helpful seminar! It gives you answers to many problems of everyday life / job.

Yiannis Chrysouliotis, I.X. Xrysouliotis

Excellent Trainer!