General Clients Testimonials

Eleni Kola, Es Vascular Ltd

The best seminar! We learned many interesting and practical ways of how to improve our work and even our personal life. Ms. Christofi was lovingly, concise, polite and very good in her presentation.

Andros Polykarpou, D. Pareklisitis Developers Ltd

The seminar was very useful, it excited me! It was very explanatory and effective! Ms. Vasiliki was very experienced and very transmittable.


Very important and interactive seminar. It helped us a lot to think of ways of how to improve the way we manage our staff but also for ourselves. The trainer was very understanding and with well-organized material.

Panagiotis Gouras, Prenza Ourania

Through this seminar we learned how to review some of our habits. 1 give 5 Stars to the trainer she was amazing.

Georgina Georgiou, M&R Asbestos Co Ltd

The Programme was very informative and useful, it gave me knowledge and more tools to improve my office skills. The trainer was excellent.

Marios Efstratiou

Very useful seminar for those who want to improve their skills and learn something more that will surely be useful in their professional field. I believe that everyone participating in the seminar can understand that the position of Office Manager is crucial and due to its practical nature it has been possible to strengthen and improve our skills. Ms. Christofi was very informative. She inspires confidence and it seemed that she is aware of the subject she taught us. Also through case studies it helped us to better understand various issues that arise through the work environment as well as their solution through proper organization, planning and control of work.


Informative and useful seminar from which we had many real examples and through photos.

The trainer is very good, engaging, modern and informed style of teaching. I really liked the valves she haw as it shows she is an open mind and progressive thinking person.


Very interesting and useful seminar especially for us in Sales departments that we communicate with clients. We have learned ways on how we can improve our communication skills. The trainer was very professional and have a very good knowledge of the subject.

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The programme was pleasant and understandable. Our Trainer Mr. Mouzouris was fully qualified, friendly, very informative and always willing to answer our questions. I strengthened my knowledge in all topics relating Human Recourse Management


To πρόγραμμα ήταν ευχάριστο και κατανοητό. Ο εκπαιδευτής μας κ. Μουζούρης είναι άρτια καταρτισμένος, φιλικός, κατατοπιστικός και πάντοτε πρόθυμος να απαντήσει στις απορίες μας. Μου ενδυνάμωσε τις γνώσεις μου σε όλα τα θέματα που αφορούν την διοίκηση του ανθρώπινου δυναμικού.

Theodoros Theodorou, CYTA

We gained a lot of knowledge from a highly trained trainer who is charismatic to draw and hold attention. He is also very transmittable.

Polyvios Lazarides, General Manager / Agrolan and Member of MSJ Jacovides Group of Companies

Our company has worked with Conicon Ltd., on several projects especially with Mr. Y. Mouzouris . Conicon Ltd contribute to our business development by working with us in a framework of cooperation in counseling / guidance for sales teams, finance and personnel assessment projects. I was completely satisfied with the level of Mr. Mouzouris performance… Read more “Polyvios Lazarides, General Manager / Agrolan and Member of MSJ Jacovides Group of Companies”

Θεόδωρος Θεοδώρου, CYTA

Αποκτήσαμε πάρα πολλές γνώσεις από ένα άρτια καταρτισμένο εκπαιδευτή ο οποίος είναι χαρισματικός στο να τραβάει και να κρατά την προσοχή. Είναι επίσης πολύ μεταδοτικός.