General Clients Testimonials

Christina Xeni, Biotronics Ltd

A very helpful tutorial! It makes you see some things in a different way. The trainer was very positive and along with the material she made us understand our thoughts and problems better.

Kalypso Sepou, Research Promotion Foundation

Very interesting and useful seminar, in simple, understandable language and many practical examples. The trainer was very good.

Alexis Sofokleous, Iacovou Group

Psychological empowerment for stress management. The trainer was communicative, full of positive energy and transmitability.

Eva Vourka, Larnaca Sewerage Board

Enlightening seminar with a very positive approach of the trainer to all participants. Very descriptive on the content and gave us many examples. Ms. Christofi is a very pleasant person. She managed once again to keep us alert, and it was not tiring at all! Se is Unique!!!

Maria Stylianou, Costas A. Zacharias Ltd

An issue that you do not pay much attention to, but it means a lot to everyday life whether it concerns a workplace or not. A practical seminar and easy to absorb with examples from our everyday life. Ms. Christofi is very good with increased transmissibility, excellent knowledge of the subject and very positive. She kept our attention constantly.

Elena Pitta, A. Zorpas & Sons Ltd

Seminar with many examples that offer an advantage of transmissibility. There were many points that created the need for us to work on specific things. The trainer was direct, read, friendly, with nice examples that created a sense of freedom at our expression.

Tziortzina Charalambous, Special School of Saint Spyridon Larnaca

Very interesting seminar, where I recognized elements of body language on me. The trainer was very contagious .

Gianna Louka, Swissport Cyprus Ltd

Excellent Seminar with very good and comprehensive content. Mr. Mouzouris is an Excellent trainer, that constantly kept our interest and presented to us very good examples.

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Maria Shiati

Very informative program with valuable practical examples and very experienced trainers. It provided useful material for businesses / organizations.

Andria Balaoura, Parga Trading Ltd

The programme contained a very satisfactory material and expanded a wide range around the area of Human Resources. The trainers have the necessary knowledge on the subject and a properly organized material.

Μαρία Σιάτη

Πολύ ενημερωτικό πρόγραμμα με αξιόλογα πρακτικά παραδείγματα και πολύ έμπειρους εκπαιδευτές. Παρείχε πολύ χρήσιμο υλικό για επιχειρήσεις/οργανισμούς.

Κυριάκος Πάμπουκας, CNP Cyprialife

Εξαιρετικό σεμινάριο! Το πάθος, η κατάρτιση και η μεταδοτικότητα του εκπαιδευτή πρόσθεσαν ακόμα περισσότερη αξία στο σεμινάριο.

Αλεξία Αντωνίου, Nest Investments Holdings (Cyprus) Ltd

Έχω ευχαριστηθεί ολόκληρο το Πρόγραμμα Διοίκησης Ανθρώπινου Δυναμικού. Πολύ ενδιαφέρον και ενημερωτικό. Έχω μάθει πολύ ενδιαφέροντα πράγματα για την δουλειά μου. Και οι δύο εκπαιδευτές ήταν πολύ παθιασμένοι.