Clients Testimonials about Our Training Services

Andria Balaoura, Parga Trading Ltd

The programme contained a very satisfactory material and expanded a wide range around the area of Human Resources. The trainers have the necessary knowledge on the subject and a properly organized material.

Maria Shiati

Very informative program with valuable practical examples and very experienced trainers. It provided useful material for businesses / organizations.

Peter – Andreas Hatzikostas, Troodos Development Company

I believe that the programme in its entirety was very well structured. It has enriched me with too much knowledge and I am sure that it has enhanced my skills both personally and professionally. The two trainers of the programme are very well trained and very transmittable. I can confidently say that I will return to my company with more appetite and desire to work and to offer with all these I gained from the programme. Finally I feel happy that I was able to take part in the programme because already enough of what I have learnt, I began to apply them in my business and with full satisfaction I can see that they give back.

Alexia Antoniou, Nest Investments Holdings (Cyprus) Ltd

I have enjoyed the whole Human Resource Management Programme. Very interesting and informative. I learnt interesting things for my job. Both trainers were very passionate.

Maria Loizou, Institute of Neurology & Genetics

Useful and interesting seminar with many practical examples. The trainer was contagious and vivid.

Christiana Kyriacou, Columbia Hotels & Resorts

Very interesting, informative and instructive seminar! The trainer was fully aware of the matter so she could transmit the issue correctly.

Despina Christoforou, Kapnos & Sons Transport Co Ltd

Constructive, organized seminar with clear answers to our questions!

Kyriakos Hadjioullas, Skillstock Ltd

The seminar was very constructive. I developed better communication skills and I even socialized. Very good and pleasant environment.

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Marios Christodoulou, Agrolan Ltd

The seminar was very helpful. I believe that based on what I learned I can become better. I can manage stress with various tips given to me.

Αγγέλα Κλεάνθους, Ειδ/νη Παθολόγος Γ.Ν. Λευκωσίας

Χρήσιμο. Η «τεχνική» της επικοινωνίας για την εξυπηρέτηση του κοινού, αποδείκτηκε τομέας που επιδέχεται βελτίωσης ενώ αγνοούσα ουσιαστικά τη βαρύτητα και τη σημασία του.

Κωνσταντίνος Αγριδιώτης, Propet Wholesalers Ltd

Στοχευμένο σεμινάριο με ξεκάθαρο σκοπό. Ήταν πολύ χρήσιμο το υπήρχε πρακτική εξάσκηση.

Δημήτρης Σάββα

Το σεμινάριο ήταν εξαιρετικό και πολύ βοηθητικό με τον τρόπο παρουσίασης και για τον τρόπο συμπεριφοράς μας στον χώρο εργασίας μας.

Μαρία Χρυσοστόμου

Το σεμινάριο αυτό για μένα προσωπικά ήταν πολύ εποικοδομητικό και πολύ ενδιαφέρον. Έμαθα αρκετά πράγματα τα οποία δεν γνώριζα μέχρι τώρα και τα οποία θα αρχίσω να χρησιμοποιώ στην εργασία μου για να βελτιωθώ σε αυτό το τομέα. Πραγματικά νιώθω περήφανη που παρακολούθησα αυτό το σεμινάριο.