Clients Testimonials about Our Training Services

Eleftheria Kyriakou, Leo Patriotis

Helpful, motivational seminar that helps you improve yourself. We received detailed information that were very well explained and examples that helped us understand better the material.  The Trainer was Excellent!

Demetra Charitou, Remedica Ltd

The seminar was very helpful, detailed as it should be, and the presentation was very good. We learned how the purchasing departments work, how they are related to the other departments and how to set and achieve goals per person / department. The trainer was very good and transmittable.

Dimitris Dimitriou, Tsimentopiio Vasilikou

Very informative seminar with very good examples in terms of proper market management. There was proper information, critical thinking development and we were given ideas for better ordering, finding and evaluating suppliers and processes. Mr. Mouzouris is very good and knowledgeable about the subject and the market, very transmittable and well organized!

Christina Hatzitheologou, Remedica Ltd

The seminar was very helpful in expanding our knowledge but also to be able to suggest to our company ways that can simplify situations and save time. During the seminar there was a discussion between everyone, and all our questions were answered. Mr. Yiannakis is very efficient and with his knowledge he helped us to better understand purchasing and the perception of purchasing methods and suppliers.

Adriana Neophytou, Publicity Consultants Gnora LTD

Perhaps the best seminar to expand your knowledge. We learned various practices and methods for collecting outstanding debts. The trainer was excellent, I give him 10/10.

Irini Pofaidi, K. Pofaidis & Sons LTD

Very useful, especially in relation to the tangible real examples presented regarding the application of recovery methods. The trainer was really very good. He made the presentation lively and very interesting. All participants were watching carefully and absorbed all the information.


In the seminar we learned how to guide the collection methods to our advantage with good behavior. From now on we will do it in practice to have better results in our work. Mr. Mouzouris was very informative and shared with us many examples and some of his experiences.

Niki Kosi, Diplomat Distributors (D.D.) Cyprus Ltd

Very informative seminar where we learned useful methods of collecting outstanding debts. The advantage is that there are no similar seminars to attend. The trainer was excellent.

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Ιωάννα Τσόκκου, Argosy Trading Co LTD

Πάρα πολύ καλό σεμινάριο! Μου έμαθε πρακτικούς τρόπους διαχείρισης του θυμού και με έβαλε στην διαδικασία να τους χρησιμοποιήσω στην καθημερινότητα μου.

Eleni Charalambous

It was very helpful because it put us into the process of thinking and reducing the reasons that stress us. It was very impressive and it had a positive message to transfer! I realized my priorities and thus reduced stress which means feeling and living better.

Ioanna Tsokkou, Argosy Trading Co LTD

Very good seminar! It taught us practical ways of anger management and put me into the process to use them in my everyday life.

Μαρίνα Ζεβεδαίου, Aspen Management Services LTD

Διασκεδαστικό και εποικοδομητικό σεμινάριο! Θα με βοηθήσει πάρα πολύ τόσο στον εργασιακό μου χώρο όσο και στην προσωπική μου ζωή!

Michael Matsoukaris, CYTA

Very interesting seminar! We learned how someone can recognize the sources of stress and practical ways to deal with it.