Clients Testimonials about Our Training Services


A very helpful seminar which is not refers only to the mistakes and weaknesses we have but also gives us alternative and immediately applicable solutions. The trainer was wonderful, direct and pleasant.

Marios Stavrinidis, CYP – CANA ALARMS LTD

A seminar that taught me ways of how I can deal with difficult situations in telephone customer service. The trainer was very good and transmittable.

Maria Parmaxi, CYP – CANA ALARMS LTD

Very interesting seminar with constructive examples and very good material. The trainer was a very well trained and very optimistic person.

Apostolos Panagiotou, CYP – CANA ALARMS LTD

Excellent seminar. Now I can focus on my weaknesses and enrich them with the techniques I learned today. Ms. Vassiliki with the enthusiastic way she presents, it is impossible not to keep your interest. The seminar was great but also fun and this is due to the trainer who was Excellent!

Maria Mesimeri, Karaiskakeio Foundation

Excellent seminar with very good Tips! There were many real examples and assignments for better understanding. Ms. Christofi was very friendly and understanding. She gave us several tips and clear answers.

Chrysostomos Iosifidis, A & I Electric Ltd

Very good seminar, we learned a lot about managing our communication with the client via phone. We learned ways to communicate well with good mood and enthusiasm. The trainer was perfect!

Adonis Papetas, A & I Solar Ltd

Very informative training on how to handle clients anger during service. We learned that it is necessary to love our job and to serve customers with courtesy and good mood. Ms. Vasiliki is well trained and conveyed her knowledge to us with a lot of positivity and the seminar became even more interesting.

Eleni Athanasiou, A & I Electric Ltd

The seminar we attended today was very interesting and very useful especially in the way of managing different people. At the same time, we learned several techniques that we can be applied through proper organization and tactics. The presentation of the material was great through the pleasant and great personality of Mrs. Christofi.

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Contact us here to find out what we can do for you or your business.


Γιάννης Ιωάννου, Stavros Ioannou LLC

Εποικοδομητικό και πολύ ενδιαφέρον σεμινάριο! Ενημερωθήκαμε σωστά όσον αφορά την Γραπτή Επικοινωνία με τους Πελάτες και Συνεργάτες.

Irene Manti, Marketing & Sales Department, TÜV CYPRUS (TÜV NORD) Ltd

The educational program originally had specific and clear goals which the trainers managed to carry out and convey to the participants through assignments, discussion and aptly practical examples through their experience in the Management field. The program modules and the pace of the program advancement covered both the professional and personal side of the matter… Read more “Irene Manti, Marketing & Sales Department, TÜV CYPRUS (TÜV NORD) Ltd”


Το σεμινάριο ήταν πολύ εποικοδομητικό, ενδιαφέρον και ευχάριστο! Εμπλουτίσαμε τις γνώσεις μας και το λεξιλόγιο μας όσον αφορά την γραπτή επικοινωνία με πελάτες και συνεργάτες.

Γιώργος Πούρος, Ανώτερος Διευθυντής Λιμανιού Λεμεσού

To   πρόγραμμα είναι ουσιαστικό και περιεκτικό. Ανεξάρτητα από την εμπειρία που κάποιος μπορεί να έχει σε θέματα Διοίκησης του προσφέρει την δυνατότητα να αρχειοθετήσει και ταξινομήσει τις σκέψεις του διδάσκοντας του τον τρόπο εφαρμογής του και επιπλέον αποκομίζονται νέα στοιχεία και μέθοδοι που συνάδουν με τις ανάγκες της σύγχρονης επιχειρηματικής κοινωνίας.

Giorgos Pouros, Head Director of Limassol Port

The program is essential and concise. Regardless of the experience one can have on Management matters, it offers them the ability to structure and put in place their thoughts, by teaching them how to implement what was taught and also by gaining new information and methods consistent with modern business society needs.