Clients Testimonials about Our Training Services

Chrystalla Savva

The seminar was excellent, enjoyable and very interesting. Through videos, dialogue and exercise solution, examples and brainstorming it was amazing. Along with the positive energy and transmissibility of Mrs. Vasiliki the seminar was lively and not at all tiring. We learned the techniques and secrets of how to communicate with diplomacy, reliability and discretion. It is worth watching! I highly recommend it! Ms. Vasiliki was Perfect! Alive! with her smile, with jokes, positive energy and knowledge of the subject. She also listened to everyone’s case and give advice and solutions to each one individually.

Chrystalla Savva

The seminar was excellent, enjoyable and very interesting. Through videos, dialogue and exercise solution, examples and brainstorming was amazing. Along with the positive energy and transmissibility of Ms. Vasiliki the seminar was lively and not at all boring and / or tiring. We learned various ways to Develop Modern and Effective Secretarial Skills. I highly recommend! Do not miss it! Ms. Vasiliki was Perfect!! With a smile and liveliness, you are not bored at all.

Andreas Economidis, CYTA

Incredibly good seminar, where we learned details and secrets of communication that we did not know. The trainer was very good.

Lia Vaki, CYTA

EXCELLENT (nothing else, only this) EXCELLENT. The trainer was excellent, authentic, enthusiastic, smart, and experienced, she kept the audience alive, despite being online, well done.

Marinos Voukis, CING

Extremely useful seminar with very good material. The trainer was particularly good, communicative and willing to answer questions and help.

Christiana Adamou, Elincou Diagnostics Ltd

The seminar was very useful, constructive and interactive. The trainer was very good.

Nikos Nikolopoulos, A.M Papakyriakou

Very informative seminar from which we learned how to set thinks in order of what should be done. The trainer was very enthusiastic and able to transfer all the right messages.

Chrystalla Hatzimama, CYTA

This specific seminar gives you 10 ways that you have to have in mind and apply them when and where is needed. Ways of good behavior and respect for other colleagues in the office. Very enjoyable, communicative, with a small group and short. The trainer is Excellent!

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Helen Meletiou

It was a really informative seminar! We learnt how to express ourselves differently, more correctly in the written word and to respond to emails.

Ιωάννης Μπαλωμενάκης, GMD Proteas Enterprises Ltd

Ήταν κατανοητό και πολύ βοηθητικό για την επιχείρηση μας. Μας βοήθησε να μάθουμε τον σωστό τρόπο επικοινωνίας μέσω τηλεφώνου με τους πελάτες.

Spyros Spyrou, MedPool Ltd

Very constructive and informative seminar! It will help me a lot.

George Lysiotis, A & G BIOMEDICA LTD

I would like to thank Mrs Vasiliki because I improved my ability in Written Communication. I gained many skills and tips that will surely be very useful in my life.

Βαλεντίνος Φλουρέντζου, A & G BIOMEDICA LTD

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