Clients Testimonials about Our Training Services

Elia Charalambous, Annitak Ltd

It was a really helpful seminar and I was felt pleased that we participated as a company. We got new ideas and methods that we will use to improve our job and the company. The trainer was excellent, all the examples he presented were at the point to understand the meaning.

Maria Constantinou, Cyprus Banking Association

Very helpful, a specialized seminar that encourages everyone individually to develop in their professional and personal place. We shared ideas that will help us develop our thinking, expression, confidence and extroversion to improve our communication skills. Ms. Christofi was very transmittable, pleasant and well-informed on the subject of the seminar.

Sylvia Argyrou, Karagiorgis Technopro Ltd.

Constructive! I reviewed some things and set my goals. I will do my best to be good in my personal and professional life in order to perform better. I consider the fact that I left with a smile and positive thinking to be an advantage of the seminar. Everything can be done, and everything depends on us and only us. Vasiliki is a pleasant and transmittable person who makes you listen to her and pay attention to what she says. With her smile and humour, she kept us company in this two-day seminar and showed us how to review actions and behaviors. I am very happy that I was given the opportunity to meet her and I would be happy to attend to more seminars with Vasiliki! I give her 10+ !!!

Rodoula Marathefti, Z & X Mechanical Installation Ltd

Very enlightening seminar from which I received many useful information. There was a discussion between all participants and that made the seminar enjoyable and not boring. The trainer was impeccable as always.

Maria Spinoula, Z & X Mechanical Installation Ltd

Remarkably interesting seminar where you understand how to contribute to the changes that will be made in your workplace. We learned about self-confidence, we got ideas about how to be organized and in addition we learned about attitudes behavior. The trainer was very friendly and transmittable.

Maria Irakleous, Pano P. Ltd

Effective seminar! It motivates you and strengthens your determination to act properly in your workplace. We learned about proper management first of ourselves and consequently of our work. The trainer was excellent and there was proper communication between us.

Irene Agathocleous, Z & X Drivers Rentals

The seminar was interesting. We got valuable guidance about how to get better with running our office and how to improve of ourselves. Mrs. Christofi was very helpful, always correct and polite and was able to hold out attention constantly – Excellent!

Maria Kakouri, Pelecanos & Pelecanou LLC

A pleasant seminar which it worth’s to participate!! I learned what is important and what I really need to do in order to succeed. The trainer is a pleasant personality and a very remarkable person. Amazing!!!

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Spyros Brahos, Vetagrica LTD

Lively, comprehensive and objective seminar with clear goals. The trainer was very transmittable.

Βασιλική Χριστοφή, Conicon

Εξαιρετική Παρουσίαση από τον εκπαιδευτή.


Correct information on the preparation of the business plan and self-criticism to whether we properly handle the business plan of the company we work.

Maria Papaleontiou, Orthodontic and Pediatric Dentistry Kokkinos

The seminar was informative, clear and very useful for anyone who has a leading position. It provides participants with basic but simultaneously very useful knowledge for the design of a business plan aiming to achieve business goals

Σπύρος Μπράχος, Vetagrica LTD

Πολύ ζωντανό, κατανοητό και αντικειμενικό σεμινάριο με ξεκάθαρους στόχους. Ο εκπαιδευτής ήταν πολύ μεταδοτικός.