Clients Testimonials about Our Training Services

Norman Bouju, Annitak Ltd

It was a complete seminar about how to improve our communication, relationship with our colleagues and our organization. The trainer was very nice and professional.

Nikolai Podvolotski, Annitak Ltd

Powerful impact on the state of mind as a manager and leader. Was a great person with intensive experience, with a lot of good vibes, positive energy, and motivation.

Zoe Weisz, Annitak Ltd

We learned how to be more responsible, how to organize ourselves and the team, how to be more communicative about the goals and how to manage new crisis. We had a lot of exercises and learned new words. The trainer was very good and passionate with his job.

Roxani Frantzi, Annitak Ltd

The seminar has been a truly transformative in many levels. Inspiring towards and engaging to the level of not wanting to miss a moment. Excellent! We learned about inner information, development towards becoming better and inspiring into wanting the right things. Mr. Mouzouris was Excellent! Very engaging and effective!

Panayiotis Latsos, Annitak Ltd 

A rich in content seminar with specific and in practice examples for better understanding. It was a combination of visual examples and written exercises. The trainer was well educated on the subject with a lot of examples and explanation on all of our questions.

Kelly Cilia, Annitak Ltd

The seminar was very detailed and benched out into a lot of topics in depth, therefore it was very informative. It was a small group, so I felt that the information were given to us better as we were able to discuss properly. The trainer was very good, informative, had a lot of stories to use as examples through his experience and that made it easier to catch the points across.

Roxani Frantzi, Annitak Ltd

A very helpful seminar with points to develop properly mindset regarding the people and cultures of organizations. We learned and developed a mindset on how to manage people effectively in a company. The trainer was very motivating.

Panayiotis Latsos, Annitak Ltd

In depth analysis of every aspect when it comes to HR Management. It was a face to face engagement that helped us for the better understanding of the seminar. Mr. Mouzouris knowledge on the subject was excellent and he gave us many real examples that applies in many companies.

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Contact us here to find out what we can do for you or your business.


Μαρία Παπαλεοντίου, Ορθοδοντικό και Παιδοδοντιατρικό Κέντρο Π.Ν. Κόκκινος

Το σεμινάριο ήταν κατατοπιστικό, ξεκάθαρο και πολύ χρήσιμο για κάθε άτομο που έχει διευθυντική θέση. Παρέχει στον εκπαιδευόμενο βασικές αλλά συνάμα πολύ χρήσιμες γνώσεις για την δημιουργία επιχειρησιακού πλάνου με σκοπό την επίτευξη των στόχων μιας επιχείρησης