B2B Sales Coaching for Boosting up Sales
The project involved guiding and coaching a team of salespeople responsible for B2B sales in order to maximize sales results, in line with corporate objectives.
The work included the design of:
- Weekly coaching but also accountability meetings based on the OSKAR model. During the meetings, Salespeople were analyzing the objectives of their clientele, redefining the objectives, analyzing competition and as a result generating an action plan for the upcoming week.
- Specialized workshops to enhance skills for cross-selling, up-selling, identification and mapping of unique selling prepositions per brand and product categories using VRIO Analysis and USP (Unique Selling Preposition) techniques.
- Assessment of salespersons competencies emphasizing on the personal strengthening of each individual.
- Visits with salespersons to customers to verify implementation of agreed actions.
- Feedback of results at weekly coaching meetings.
- Design of specialized sales tools, templates and reporting
- Redefining measurable performance criteria.
- Redesign of the remuneration system on the basis of redefined and agreed measurable performance criteria/KPIs.
As a result of the above there was an increase in sales from first month of 10% on average, which gradually climbed up to 20% in the next 6 months.