New Year… New Skills!

new year new skills

The start of each year is the most appropriate time to set goals on a personal and professional level and create the conditions to achieve them.

That’s why we created the following list of 4 categories to make it easier for you to create action plans for the goals you set.

Conicon’s philosophy  in relation to objectives is clear:

“A goal will remain a wish if it is not specific, measurable, realistic and with a time limit” we add PASSION so that we can more easily achieve our goals.”

And remember a GOAL is necessary to be broken into daily, weekly, monthly operations to be achieved! All you need to do is set your goals in the following categories.

Below you will see the categories and examples of what they include:

1. Daily Habits

Daily habits are the ones that are seemingly easy, but in practice they are difficult to change.

  1. Confident (I believe in myself and I tell to him every day)
  2. I’m smiling.
  3. I’m kicking out anything negative that’s in my daily life.
  4. I think positively (even on days when I’m not well, I urge myself)
  5. Take Risks (even for small things)
  6. Dealing with my daily fears
  7. Less use of social networks
  8. More activity in everyday life


2. Training – New skills

Training is A and Z in the development of each individual. It is necessary to train often in order to be able to develop and achieve our goals.

  • Leadership
  • Management
  • Change management
  • Communication (applied techniques,diplomacy, listening  skills,  body language)
  • Programming and Organization
  • Anger and conflict management
  • Managing and solving problems
  • Sales


3. Career

  • Subscribe to websites, blogs to read things related to your field
  • Update your LinkedIn profile
  • Join online communities of your industry
  • Train in your field (see training above)
  • Set goals for your career
  • Understand your business’s goals for taxiing your career
  • Invest on the communication in your workplace
  • Be decisive


4. Personal Life

Our personal life is an essential ingredient for our success. Each of us knows what can make him happy, it’s the little things we do for ourselves.

  • I did something spontaneous
  • I got out of my safety zone
  • I’ve done things that i wanted for myself.
  • I didn’t question myself today.
  • I did something this morning that I kept putting off.

All you need to do is to take 10 minutes of your time to set your goals.

Remember that “If you don’t do something different today, you can’t change your future”

Conicon Team can contribute to the achievement of your goals through trainingà see our scheduled seminars here

Christofi Vasiliki
Applied Communication, Soft Skills and PR Specialist,
NAMA Certified: Anger Management Specialist
CCIS Crisis Intervention Specialist
Trainer & Coach

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