Leadership and the Power of Vision in Construction – Going Against all odds

A client Success Story

Facing the challenges of the economic crisis and the severe impact, especially in Construction , in Cyprus, our Client for a decade now, A. Aristotelous Construction Ltd has turned this into a great opportunity.

Against all odds, my friend Aristos and his team stood up and led the Company into a new Dream. That of Internationalization. Insisting not to talk about the problems but only the opportunities, they embarked straight on to creating a new Vision and through that, they focused their efforts to re-engineer their operations by adding value, technology, measurement and benchmarking into their processes. They empowered all staff with the right attitude and tools and taught them navigation techniques in order to sail to new Land – that of maintaining a sustainable, solid base in Cyprus and penetrating into a new market , that of  the Gulf.

Is that paramount Leadership? You bet it is!

Did that set the example for others to follow? You bet they did. Will they succeed? You bet the odds are in their favor!

New aristotelous

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