How important is our image in relation to our work??

Your personal brand (your image) is directly related to any work you do, even if you are a director, a secretary, a salesman, a waiter, a business owner.

Your image – your personal brand, consists of the following:

How you look, how you talk and how you behave!!!

Most people forget to emphasize on all of them and emphasize only on 1 or 2. But this makes you look that you are not prepared.

An example I saw recently was:

Ex. A presenter had adequately prepared her image (clothes, hair, shoes), prepared a little her behaviour, but did not know to express herself verbally. What do you think, she passed the message that she wanted to??

I do not think so, because even someone who does not know the above will immediately say that something is missing.

In fact, we should not just make our image but also strengthen other elements that can transmit the message we want to.

Remember: Whatever you want to transmit you can do it, only if you learn the right ways to do it.

Christofi Vasiliki

Communication, Soft Skills and PR Specialist – Trainer and Coach

Conicon Ltd



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