Get Rid of Bad Habits in the Workplace

bad habits workplace

Creating a daily habit is the easiest thing to do but at the same time it is extremely difficult to get rid of it!

Bad habits in the workplace are the ones that lead people to poor communication and also low performance.

Below I will share with you steps on how to change these habits: 

1) Recognition of these habits

Recognition is one of the most important issues and it is important to do so by individual communication with each individual who has a bad habit. Don’t make general comments because it’s bad for others.

«I’ve noticed that you stopped at Maria’s office many times during the day. Yesterday in particular, you talked to her for 20 minutes while she was working on a task.»


2) Build human interactivity – communication in your routine

Our routine is very important and it is the one that builds our habits (good or bad). Start communicating with Smile -> this builds relationships, do not be absorbed by everyday life and by the volume of work.

Emphasize on communication with colleagues and people you see every day.


3) Give people alternative good habits in order for them to replace bad habits

Employees find it difficult to make changes because it is difficult to “break their flow” i.e. automatic behavior.

Give them time to implement this new habit while stressing what consequences there are for the existing habit and what consequences there will be if this habit does not change.

«It is very nice to communicate with your colleague but during work this interruption results in her own inefficiency. You could speak with her before she starts working or during the break»


4) Identify the obstacles that will exist during implementation

It is very important to be able to identify the obstacles that will exist during the implementation of any habit. Obstacle can be the person himself (with negative attitude), the culture of people but also many other small things.


5)  Change your habits on the Structure of Habits

3 Characteristics of the Structure:

i) The Cue -> The trigger to start

ii) The Routine -> λόγια και πράξεις

iii) The Reward -> You need a reward to make a habit


a) Wake up (cue)

b) You make your coffee (routine)

c) You get reward from the taste of coffee and the satisfaction


New habits take time to adopt and it is very important for the employees to be trained on these habits repeatedly until they make them a real habit.

Remember that it takes 40 -50 repetitions in the new habit to see the difference but you will definitely be rewarded afterwards.

Christofi Vasiliki
Applied Communication, Soft Skills and PR Specialist,
NAMA Certified: Anger Management Specialist
CCIS Crisis Intervention Specialist
Trainer & Coach


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