Event Management – What you should avoid?



Apparently, events organization seems easy, until you start organizing.

Below you will see What you should avoid to be closer to the success of your event.

1) To have limited time for the organization
Each event requires some time to be correctly organized, if your time is limited then you will make mistakes and spasmodic movements.

2) Not to have support from Experts in event planning
Those people are needed because they are the ideal people to give us fresh and unique experiences, and experience is very important.

3) To have only Plan A and no other alternatives
Your event is live, eventually something that you did not plan will happen, so it is very important to have a “Plan B”, alternative solutions so that to deal with it when it happens.

4) To promote the event last minute
This is the worse, because a very important part of the event is the public. If you promote your event last minute, then it will be very difficult for the public you want to come.

5) To repeat the same event
The public needs something different and unique each time. To organize the same event is like suiciding. Think of something new that will impress others.

6) To consider that the flow of the event will be scheduled on the event day
The flow of the event is very important and it’s the one which will keep the audience at the event or encourage them to leave. The flow of the event can be programmed.

7) To feel that you can handle all just by yourself
Event Management is a team work.  For this reason, its s very important to setup a group that will support you and work for the event succession.

All the above are simple, but most events fail because they do not take these simple things into consideration.

We all can learn something different, so we designed the following seminar:

Seminar Limassol – Step by Step the Successful Event Management

Christofi Vasiliki
Communication, Soft Skills and PR Specialist – Trainer and Coach
Conicon Ltd

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