(English) How your website can have a premium position in Google search

So you have a website. That’s really good. If you can be found among all 14 000 000 000 000 live web pages.

Over the years I’ve built many websites. If a website isn’t indexed, designed and filled with content that is search engine friendly, the website won’t have a chance to be found in searches.

As a business it is really important that our products and services are found by people who are interested and searching for them on the Internet.

On a really high level see the Search Engine as a person. How would you make Mr/s Search Engine aware of your existence, products and services?

If search engine was a person?

Introduce yourself

Get your website indexed! if you aren’t included in the search engine indexes  – you don’t exist and there is no change your website will come up in any searches. How do you get indexed?

The website need to be registered at the Search Engines and other relevant registries, as well as have other, preferably important and relevant, websites pointing at your website.

Good road-direction

Your website can use URLs which describe what particular web pages are about, for example https://www.conicontraining.com/consulting/business-strategy-development/ makes it quite clear the company Conicontraining is doing consulting in Business Strategy Development area, don’t you think?

Speak clearly and not too complicated

Have content on your website that is easily understood by both people and search engines. It is pretty much the same, and sums the art of producing search engine friendly content.

Be structured

The website need to be built in such a way that we can easily find what we are looking for. Clear headlines, menu structure that is organized along the main business proposal and so forth.

Well, these are just some of the behaviour expected in the relation between a business website and search engines. And you know what, search engines change their expectations regularly. So it is essential to keep up with Mr/s Search Engine to keep him/her happy!

By E Sophocleous Toth
IT Development, Analysis and Optimization Specialist
Conicon LTD

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