(English) Undigitize Your Business!

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Yes, stop digitalisation! Scrap the whole thing and then start digitalisation all over again.

I have come across so many companies that are drowned by software and applications, data creation, metrics that it blows your mind just listening to what they use and what they measure. It’s incredible how many hours of meetings are spent looking at vast amounts of data to make decisions. At the end, no decisions are made and people leave the room or the online platform more confused than earn they enter.

The second thing I come across is C-Executives flooded daily with massive amount of information and data that it could paralyse you trying to explain and make sense out of it. Instead of clarity, complexity prevails.

And then it’s the compatibility and integration of all these software and digital tools making often a complete mess. It’s really overwhelming!

Please stop!!!

Take a step or two back. Breathe and step out and above of this turmoil and think strategically once again. What is your business really stand for? How your business units and teams relate to this purpose? What do you strategically try to accomplish? What are the 5-7 data blogs that depict the results that drive your business purpose and strategy?


Rearrange the data and info to be relevant and aligned with your strategy and cascade the data and information down in the organization, in your teams and people. Based on relevance and assign owners and corresponding responsibility and accountability.

There are top level data and info and there are data and info for your layers of teams for your business units, for your people. It’s not all relevant and important to everyone.

Often it helps to ask people in the organisation which data and information is important for them to empower them achieve their objectives.

Stop messing around with the mess!!!

C-Executives normally need to monitor 5-7 pieces of data at the top level. Then, similarly teams of business units need 5-7 blocks of data etc etc.

Then think how to automate and digitalise. It’s not the other way around!

Yiannakis Mouzouris
Strategy and Performance Management
Expert / Business Consultant / Trainer
B.Sc. Mechanical Engineering
M.Sc.Engineering Management, USA


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