Is the Greek drama over now?

image?id=Agora:Image:2007.10The number of countries that does not allow a grexit to any cost have shrunken to 4, now it’s only France, Italy, Spain and Luxembourg. 9 countries with Germany and Finland at the top are open for a grexit. And 5 other countries, Cyprus is in this group, are hesitating.

But anyway, after hours and hours of negotiations our night owling politicians reached some kind of deal, where the Greek government must implement lot of new reforms to get a loan of aprox 86 billion euros. Just to make the economics of the debt struck country even more unsustainable.

We wonder what the Greeks OXI was worth in the referendum just a week ago? We also wonder what will happen to Tsipras & Co who built a political career on promises of less austerity, not more?

We also wonder about the political process, the Greek parliament must vote for the suggested deal, and also other local parliaments around Europe.

Anybody around who thinks the drama is over?

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