6 ways to improve your business using Internet

The digital has opened up for a new economy, where we can do business in a new way. People today are more and more getting used to doing business online. Companies are finding new customers and increasing their sales on the Internet.

plugin online or stay outside

The competitors, local and abroad, are already online. The ecommerce trend is growing every year.

Ecommerce made up for 1.8% of total retail in South Europe in 2012, according to report from Ecommerce Europe.

If of some reason your company doesn’t yet have a decent digital presence, here are some advice that can help you get up to speed – and not stay behind.

Website – the digital company home address

Every company should have a company website. Having a nice looking website with clear information on the company’s offer will definitely improve the company brand image.

In Cyprus, 63,4 % of enterprises in 2012 had an own website, according to a Cyprus government report.

It doesn’t have to cost a lot to set up a website by yourself, while a custom website requires a professional designer. Through the website, keep your clients informed about any changes or news relating to the company’s products and services.  A website opens up for a global reach, you don’t have to be limited to the local market.

7 000 000 000 people (39 %) in the world uses the Internet, according to estimated figures for 2013 in Wikipedia.

Social media pages – online meeting point

An essential part of a company’s digital presence is being present also on social media channels, such as LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter, with company pages. The strength of social media is for companies to communicate directly with potential and existing clients. While LinkedIn has more of a business focus, Facebook is rather relaxed and Twitter mostly for sharing links. Particularly Facebook is prominent on Cyprus.

Cyprus has largest share of Facebook users compared to population, according to results 2011 brought by pingdom.

Study your successful competitors how they communicate through social media for inspiration. Make sure your graphical material, such as the company header images and logos, are in appropriate formats.

eshop – global and open 24-7

It is not unusual these days that clients expects a company to provide an online shop for smooth, prompt and private transactions. An eshop is available 24/7. Enterprises in Cyprus who are selling online are still few though, which leaves this market open for foreign online shops.

8,4% of enterprises received orders via computer networks in 2011, according to the government report above.

Setting up an eshop is just a fraction of cost compared with a physical one. Cypriot consumers are spending significant amounts of money online.

The average online shopper on Cyprus spent €864 in 2012, according to the Ecommerce Europe report above.

Email marketing – reach your prospects

Another powerful digital way to reach your potential and existing clients is through sending promotions and news via email campaigns. The email list is your asset. Encourage your website visitors to sign up for emails from you. Email marketing is very powerful in terms increasing sales. Many enterprises can witness about it.

Customer support – better customer relations management

Offering online customer support through your website improves customer satisfaction. Have at least a contact form which is easy to set up and manage, or use more advanced tools according to your requirements.

The virtual office – anywhere, anytime

Bring parts or whole of our business such as billing, shipping, customer relations management e t c online, with resulting cuts in costs for your company. If your business is fully virtual there is no need for you or the other employees to work from a physical company office. Offer flexible work location. There are many virtual tools out there to support the company’s IT needs.

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