Employee Engagement is hindered by Fear!

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Do you want employee engagement and cooperation at high level, then stop bullshitting yourself with team building exercises and remove the fear from the workplace.

Fear is the #1 reason people will not engage! There are 10 sources of fear normally recognized at the workplace:

1) Fear to disagree
2) Fear of hierarchical positions
3) Fear to be criticized
4) Fear to put ideas forward
5) Fear to take risks
6) Fear to be bullied
7) Fear of misbehavior
8) Fear to learn new skills
9) Fear to share knowledge
10) Fear to lose their job

Remove all of those and your people will start engaging!

Yiannakis Mouzouris
B.Sc. Mech. Eng., M.Sc. Mgt
Business Consultant / Trainer
Performance Management Specialist

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