Don’t be fooled !Success is not getting clients online but clients offline

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Don’t be fooled! Real business is acquired offline. Where real people and real business works .

Let me explain this.  Digital marketing can be helpful by increasing potential clients /leads at your doorstep. But no deal is ever closed online apart from eBay and Amazon staff.

After all the biggest company on social media, Facebook , creates no content at all !

Real business is closed through referral, networking  and face to face engagement. And at that stage you can not fool anyone.  It’s you and the client. Your track record against that of others . Your skills , credibility and integrity against those who hide behind the web. It’s real brands acknowledged by your clients against shortcut brands emerged through cookies .

How do I know that?

23 years in professional services we sustained because we get:

  • 60% of our business from referrals. That is customers recommending us to other customers
  • 30% repeat clients. And we are in a business that customers do not need our services   on a continuous basis. Actually one of our values is to pass on to our clients the skills and technology to become self sustained.
  • Only 10% out of the blue online leads that generate business. For that,  we use all methods and techniques from SEO to google ads , inbound marketing, social media marketing, direct email and what have you. Indeed , we could invest more in this but for what so much hassle ? For another 5-10%.

So don’t be fooled , real business is acquired offline. Virtual friends, clicks and likes give you the illusion of business and suck a real budget from you .

Yiannakis Mouzouris
B.Sc. Mech. Eng., M.Sc. Mgt
Business Consultant / Trainer


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