Discovering the Secrets of a Successful Presentation

Pesentation ?? Who, what , where, when ??

It is one of the subjects for which most people have fear… On one side it is rational if you haven’t done it again, or if noone gave you ways and techniques and you don’t know how to do it well.

  1. During a presentation you are exposed, so, if you do not know your subject very well ( to have the comfort to answer any question) then I tell you for sure: do not do it because you will be exposed – Learn you subject very very well! Have Real Confidence (Click  here and see the difference between real and fake confidence)
  1. It is good to have self-awareness …. Learn how you present now (from an expert)  … some people have the charisma and do not have to work on how to present …. Most people though need to work on it ( work very much).. Where do you belong??  The best way to become better is WORK ON IT.
  1. The audience always judges at the beginning (very strictly), do not let that affect you …. and at the end of the presentation —- the end is the most important to see if you managed to transmit the message you wanted (believe me the audience understands much more than what you think)
  1. The presentation must always be proportional to the audience you  have…. Many times you expect other reactions from people and others come to you … so be ready for everything.
  1. Convince yourself that you want to be there and you do not do it just because it’s your job or because you want something else …. If your audience understands that you do not want to be there then you have ruined your half presentation
  1. Set your target … what do you want to manage after the presentation (It has to be measurable and realistic)

These are some elements that need to be specified before your presentation …. If you want to know all the secrets our Seminar on 23rd (Wednesday) of November 2016, in Limassol will give you everything you need to become expert in presentations.

For me one of my favorite parts in a presentation is to discover the success of each individual … .. and most of the time you need someone to motivate you and give you that … .. the seminar we are organizing will do that … I will discover your success.

choose_to_shine - Presentation

Christofi Vasiliki

Communication, Soft Skills and PR Specialist – Trainer and Coach

Conicon Ltd

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