Cut off the Chaos – 8 Steps to launch your Effectiveness

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Individuals who are account to a seniors and are in direct contact with the Director (Personal assistants, assistants, Administration etc.) are necessary to be effective.

For this reason, it is very important to work intelligently, so following the below 8 steps/actions they will launch their effectiveness.


1. Create/adopt a proven way of Organizing and Programming

Organizing and planning is a cornerstone for these positions, so it is very important that you do research on different programming and organization methods and create a system of your own that will suit you and will make you more efficient in your work to get the best results possible.


2. Zones Divisions – Split your office into “Zones”

It is the easiest way to organize your office from files ,  forms and generally any correspondence.

Zones may be divided by category e.g. To Do, working right Now, Completed, incoming, outgoing.  At the same time, you can also create color coding for different projects.

In this way you will be much more organized in your work and when you are asked for anything you will be able to know where it is and at what stage it is.


3. Adopt the rule “One Touch Rule”

This rule is very effective as it pushes you to finish everything you and not leave loose ends! You actually only touch once, the issues that come in front of you and you have to do.

Based on the complexity of specific positions, it can be applied and increase your efficiency directly.


4. Exploit Digital tools

Automated as much as you can for your benefit!

There are thousands of tools and each of them has a specific purpose – to get you out of the predicament of remembering everything!

Από τα πιο βασικά είναι το email calendar για να είσαι UpToDate, Calendly (calendar with slots), Wunderlist (To do list) και  άλλα πολλά !! το μόνο που χρειάζεται να κάνεις είναι να βρεις το κατάλληλο για εσένα.


5. See Solutions and not Problems

This is the biggest problem of our days… We focus on the problem more than on what we can do! To become more efficient, you need peace of mind at the critical moment and find – present confidently possible solutions. This talent is admired and adored by all the superiors, and then they feel they can rely on you.


6. First communicate the Important

One of the most frequent mistakes that most people make is to refer to the small and insignificant ones first during the meetings and leave the important/difficult ones last.

Change your way!

Communicate the difficult and the important to get the job done and then if there is time focus on all the other.


7. Empower your personality

It takes dynamism and confidence to be in this position. Develop your personality with dynamism, confidence and determination.

Do not accept to change your program for trivial things or to be interrupted all the time!

You could say no offering alternatives!


8. Objectives and priorities

As you are one of the closest associates of the Directors, it is very important that you communicate effectively and know each other what priority is and what is not. What you need to deal with and what not, so in this way you will be focused in the same direction and you will achieve your goals.


If you apply any of the above or even all of them you will be able to increase your performance.

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Christofi Vasiliki
Communication, Soft Skills
NAMA Certified Anger Management Specialist, 
PR Specialist
Trainer and Coach

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