Culture and Communication

Conicon LtdDo you think that we promote and communicate our culture in other countries? The answer is No of course. And the reason is because we don’t  understand the importance of that. And basically we are influenced by other cultures that care to promote their cultures and civilization for example as Americans, what do I mean?

It has been observed that the movies where the Authors are Americans based and include elements of their culture within the movies.  This is an effort to highlight and influence the characters / personality of young people from different countries and cultures.   All Disney movies contain characteristics and behaviors that reveal a Pure American character.   Let’s take for example the Disney movie Happy Feet, in order to understand what it means promote and communicate my culture.

The star of the movie is a little penguin, Mable, and as a pure American character excised from his race and proves his independent character as all young people in America at an early age that they leave their homes seeking for the big life, the big dream.   We also see that the little penguin is goal oriented, like all young American people which are the social life and the dream girl, and change his image in order to create a powerful establishment.

During the movie we see American characteristics to unfold all the time, characteristics that we already adopted it in our life and we considered it characteristics of our culture.  Further in the movie we see the Aristocratic Senate of Penguins, acting, judging and perform like the United States of America.  They alienate little Mable from their race because he didn’t meet their expectations, requirement and rules.   They expected from Mable to do like all the other penguins (the mass) to sing with exquisite voice in order to attract the female penguins, which was unable to do this.

Summarizing, through this movie cartoon we see a star (protagonist) who represents the average young American who has his failures but he do everything he can in order to achieve his goals.  He become independent, take risks and eventually become the Hero. He becoming socially accepted, they respect them and emulated.  Thus, he brings out the characteristics of a person that brings out his personality through the social prestige.  In addition, we have the Senate of Penguins that represents the power.  The Senate of penguins has deep legal roots and they except from their people to fulfillment their expectations. Thus, they marginalize everything differently which can expose their race and their society.  The Senate of Penguins except results from their people, so just United States Senate that except the maximum from their citizens.

Based in all the things that mention above, we can understand what it means I promote my culture. Through a simple movie we saw characteristics that we have adopted in our culture, without to realize from where we adopted those characteristics. It is an indirectly communicating way of promoting of characteristics and behaviors. Some of these characteristics that we adopted are very good and essential, so it was good choice to adopt some of these.

As we can realize maybe we don’t do something really good in order to promote our culture outside and attract interest from other cultures? Or the promotion of our culture is in people that do not know how to do it..!!

Christofi Vasiliki


BA Applied Communication

Conicon Ltd

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