Are you out of ideas? 5 ways to inspire yourself again!

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At some point we all feel we have run out of ideas and we need sources of inspiration!

But there are certain sources for inspiration. These are:

1. Be open to new experiences – stagnation is what sticks our mind. Make new things out of your everyday life from bungee jumping, spa day, to a new food test.

2. Travel or travel with your mind – It’s the #1 thing that inspires you! Even the journeys we see unstuck our minds – click here for trips.

3. Read a book– Reading has always inspired people – Besides learning something new you can find a lot of ideas for improvement.

4. Find time for yourself – As strange as it seems, we all want time alone and that is what rejuvenates us (meditation is ideal).

5. Think like a child – Spontaneously – If you can do spontaneous things, get out of your program. The hyper-programming of everything steals your inspiration, especially in personal life.

Find out what inspires you and emphasize it – make it your daily habit so you never stay out.

Christofi Vasiliki
Communication, Soft Skills
NAMA Certified Anger Management Specialist, 
PR Specialist
Trainer and Coach

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