(English) 7 important steps for modern SEO

SEO seminar CyprusThe field of Search Engine Optimization, SEO is changing from year to year, as Google alter it´s methods, trying to perfect the search algorithm. And it´s interesting to keep up with the latest development, especially if we run businesses and expect customers to find us on Internet. Here are my important 7 steps.

Intention is important for SEO – keywords are not all

It´s more important than ever to create informative content with a certain intention, like “how to reapair a car”, instead of only focusing blind on the keywords. The Google algorithm changes hundreds of times in a year, in order to better understand the users intention. And we must also put intention first.

Social content is gaining importance

More and more content in search engine listings comes from social media channels like Facebook, Twitter etc. Be there!

Original content & unique images

Don´t copy paste. Google doesn´t like double content. Write original text and take your own photos. And you also end up with a better and more original website for your clients and visitors.


Do you know that video search on Google makes up 62% of all searches? So, if you don´t have videos, start producing them now.

Longer articles

The general rule was 300 words no more not less, but lately we see that Google promotes longer articles, like 1000 words or more.

Mobile friendly

Making your website responsive, or mobile friendly is important, and it will also rank higher in search engines.

The basics…

You still have to optimize your website, and build it in a search engine friendly way, so that your content gets into the Google listings…

– And I will speak more about this at my seminar in Nicosia, Cyprus, June 15 2016:

First steps in Search Engine Optimization and Digital Media Marketing,

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