(English) 6 Things to Do in Summer Holidays – apart from rest, partying and water sports
- Take some time to reflect to the future. Think your strategy. Think Big.
Ask yourself 3 questions:
- Why do I exist (or my business exist)? Think how you can be significantly different compared to others.
- In which direction am I moving? It has to do mainly with “size”.
- How do I see myself 5 -10 years from now?
- Evaluate your Time usage. Think how much you would sell an hour of your time. Set a price. This will allow you to decide on which things you should spend your time and which ones you must delegate or outsource.
- Re – build broken relationships that impart on your effectiveness. Devise a Communication plan. Communication is the only way to deal with harmed relationships.
- Set 5 targets for the next 6 months. 3 Business related and 2 Personal ones. Targets should be Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Time bound (SMART).
- Develop 2 new ideas.
- Read books. Highly effective people read an average of 10 – 12 books per month.