5 Conflict Resolution Steps for Superiors

5 Conflict Resolution Steps for Superiors

Conflicts in the workplace are nowadays a daily occurrence and for this very reason it is necessary to have a structured process/strategy about conflict resolution by superiors and human resources department.

Conflict is anything that disrupts the normal workflow.

Below you will see 5 steps that you can implement directly:


1. Don’t Ignore Conflicts – They cannot be magically solved

The first and most important step is not to believe that conflicts will be solved on their own! Once you realize that there is a conflict between someone, it is necessary to deal with the matter as quickly as possible.


2. Understand what the Problem is

To better understand what has happened, call the individuals, first each on their own and then both together. In this way you will understand what has happened and what is the real Problem.

Attention! Do not deal with the causes and do not get emotionally entangled with the participants.

Emphasize the solution and don’t over analyze what has happened!


3. Communicate the process and the expected results

It is very important to let know the people about the process you will follow and the result you wish to have (on both sides).

At the same time, it is necessary to refer to the professional behaviour expected from all employees and what your goal is – to find solutions that can be implemented in order to not have the same issue arise again.


4. Binding Application of Alternatives

The next step is to find alternative options that could resolve the issue. You will basically ask the two people to meet initially on their own and find a solution to resolve the conflict. You on the other hand will also have a solution to propose and then you will invite them to choose which one to follow (this way you will have a better chance of implementing it).

Once it has been decided which option will be applied it is necessary to specify at least 1 action for each individual.


5. Watch the application and set a follow up meeting

Monitoring is very important to be done daily or every 2 days in order the individuals to feel that you are following the topic. At the same time, set a follow up meeting to check the result.


The creation of a structured process for resolving conflicts and disagreements is very important as the way in which people are treated by superiors and HR is crucial. That’s exactly why we’ve included the seminar «Conflicts with Style – Dealing and managing disagreements and conflicts in the workplace» in the Human Resource Management Programme of the Institute of Leadership and Management (ilm).

Christofi Vasiliki
Applied Communication, Soft Skills and PR Specialist,
NAMA Certified: Anger Management Specialist
CCIS Crisis Intervention Specialist
Trainer & Coach


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